Program F/M (SMF310)

Adding and customizing  Restricting Access  User fields   

Use this file maintenance to add programs to or delete programs from the menu system. You can also customize the way program descriptions appear in menus, restrict certain terminals from accessing these programs and control how users print from these programs.

Adding and customizing programs

In addition to adding programs to the system, Program F/M can be used to customize the program descriptions that appear in the menu system, create selection numbers for the character menu system and set up new access codes or change existing ones.

Naming standards: When creating or renaming programs, make sure you follow the naming standards set by Infor. We provide a quick overview here. For more information, refer to the FACTS Technical Manual for this release.

Every FACTS program goes by two names. One is an alphanumeric programming name, for example SMF310. The other is a descriptive title, such as Program F/M.

All alphanumeric names are six characters long and follow these rules:

The first two characters represent the module. For example, in the name SMF310, the first two characters tell you that the program is part of the System Management module.

The third character conveys which type of program it is. The F in SMF310 indicates that this program is a file maintenance. Use E for entries, I for inquiries, P for special form prints, R for reports, S for menus (selectors) and U for updates. The last three characters must be numeric and designate the subsystem to which the program belongs.

Restricting access

You can set up the code to access the program and if the program is a file maintenance, you can also determine if the information in the file should be audited. You can also establish, by program, availability of a printer and the default printer for the program by terminal.

Once program names are defined, menus may be constructed using the Menu F/M program.

Password Protecting the System Install Menu (SMS999)

Customers can create a password that will be required for access to the System Install Menu (SMS999). To create a password for the System Install menu, first create an entry in Program F/M (SMF310) for SMS999. All fields in this program will be ignored for SMS999, but a record must exist for it. Then use Program Security Maintenance (SMF420) to create the password for SMS999 in Company 01. When running the install menu, the user is not signed into any company, but passwords are specific to company. As a result, you must choose a company to use for the password to System Install Menu (SMS999). The security code for SMS999 is ignored because when accessing the System Install menu as the user is not signed into FACTS.

Having done these two steps, users attempting to access the System Install menu from the FACTS Sign-on Screen will be required to enter the correct password assigned to company 01 and the System Install Menu (SMS999).

Note that the user will be prompted for the Install Menu password every time they return to it (e.g. after entering System Control F/M, etc.). The other options on the Install Menu will not require passwords. If users are able to access the install menu, they will be allowed to run any of the programs on it..


For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:

How to use file maintenance programs


Use the following fields to modify program names, access codes:

General Tab

1. Program

Enter the 6-character program designation to identify this program, for example APE310. F2 allows a search of programs in the system.


2. Title

The full program name is what appears in the menu system. Enter a name up to 30 characters long by which users can easily identify this program. Use the Menu F/M program to modify which programs appear on which menus.

3. Access Code

Access codes can be used as quick shortcuts.

To create the access code, for the selected program enter up to 6 characters. Make sure the first character is a letter of the alphabet. An example is CS, which is the default access code for Counter Sales Entry in the Sales Orders module.

Once access codes are set, users can key them in from anywhere in the menu system to quickly access programs.

4. Menu Bitmap

The .bmp or ico file to display on the menu.

Printer Defaults Tab

1. System-wide Default Printer

The printer id for the system printer to be used as a default if no other printer is specified. Enter a printer id (set in Printer F/M).

2. Company # Default Printer

The printer id for the system printer to be used as a default if no other printer is specified. Enter a printer id (set in Printer F/M).

Printer Selection In FACTS:

FACTS allows printers to be selected at 5 levels of detail, from most specific to general:

A printer can be selected as the default printer in the user's selected template. This is the greatest level of specificity.

A printer can be selected as the default printer when a user is logged into a print program or report. The default printer selection is then by user and by program.

A printer can be selected as the default printer for a user by company.

A printer can be selected using the FACTS system-wide default printer .

A printer can be selected as the default printer for a user from User Preferences F/M (SMF410). The default printer selection is then by user.

Using the default printer for a user from User Preferences F/M (SMF410) is the least level of specificity.


3. In the Location browser in the lower portion of the screen, the system displays the default locations for the program. To add a default printer for the location for this program, double click the line in the bowser to display the Location Default Printer field. Enter the default printer for the location for the specified program. Note: The fields are enabled for report and print programs.

Modifications Tab

Note: the data in program FM is now considered metadata so you can add a custom program in Program FM and refer to the modification id on the Modifications tab. These 2 fields are only for custom information and are not populated by Infor.


1. Mod IDs

Enter the modification id that references the program.

2. Notes

Enter any notes associated with the program.