API Key Code Entry (SME007)

Use the API Key Code Entry (SME007) program to enter the API Publish key code, once the API Toolkit is installed and running. This program also helps prevent unauthorized access to the API by providing a password that is required for access to the Subscribe APIs. 

Use the following fields to enter API Key Code information:

Fields values for the key must be setup as follows.

1. Key Code

Enter [API-Publ] for the key code. Press F1 to generate the key code. Press F2 to search for existing key codes.

2. Description

The reason or use of the key code. Enter API Publish as the description for the [API-Publ] key code.

3. Password

Enter any value for the password for access to the Subscribe API Publish key code. This field may not be left blank.

4. Default Co

The default company for this API Publish Key code. Leave the default company value blank.

5. Catalog Requests

Indicate whether this API Publish Key code accepts catalog requests. Leave this checkbox unselected.

6. Send Namespace

Indicate whether this API Publish Key code should send name space when publishing information. Leave checkbox unselected.

7. NS Location

The location for the name space if this API Publish Key code should send name space when publishing information. Leave this field blank.

8. Resp Batch

Enter the response batch name space name for this API Publish Key code this API Publish Key code if the key code sends name space. Leave this field blank.

9. Date Format

Enter the date format for the API Publish Key code. Leave this field blank.

10. Valid Company

In the Valid Company field, do not enter any valid companies.

You can select:

Requests to access the Requests for Key Code [API-Pub] (SME008.k) program, which is used to enter the key code ID for catalog requests.

Header to access the API Key Code Header Detail screen, which is used to update header information for the key code.