Use Note Entry to enter and maintain notes for AR documents, customers, items, IC transfer tickets (header and lines), and vendors.
The system displays notes information from several points within FACTS:
SO Document Inquiry
PO Entry (POE120)
PO Receipt Entry (POE210)
Non-PO Receipt Entry (POE220)
PO Document Inquiry
Estimate Entry (JCE110)
UM Selection & Entry (ICC170)
Quick Item Add (ICF020)
When creating or editing documents and lines, the system automatically displays urgent notes for items, vendors, and customers in the Important Notes on File (SMI710) screen.
From the Menu bar, you can also select to View Customer Notes, Item Notes, Vendor Notes, Document Header or Line Notes, or AR Document Notes as appropriate from the specified SO Entry, AP Document Entry, PO Entry, PO Receiving Entry, and Transfer Entry programs.
This screen displays a listing of all urgent notes, by note type and category, for the specified customer, vendor, or item. Double click a note in the browser to display the View Note screen, which lists the note subject and text, note type, category, date created, and date edited. Depending on your security settings for notes, the system displays the Note Entry (SME710) screen which allows you to enter or modify information for notes. For detailed information on notes processing, refer to the Note Entry (SME710) topic.
You can also access notes directly from the main screen of programs that use the 3-Level Entry Driver instead of requiring a menu option. The programs include: Transfer Entry (ICE320), Shipment Confirmation (ICE 330),Receipt Confirmation (ICE340), SO Quote Entry (SOE110), Order Entry (SOE210), Order Confirmation (SOE310), Direct Invoice Entry (SOE510), Credit Memo Entry (SOE330),Counter Sales Entry (SOE510), PO Entry (POE120), PO Receipt Entry (POE210), and Non-PO Receipt Entry (POE220).
On the left side of the line item browser, you can access Note Entry (SME710) for the transfer, PO document or SO document header or line record, vendor, customer or item specified in the program.
Note Categories
Notes are sorted and stored by note type and category. There are seventeen note types available: ARDC (AR document), CUST (Customer), ITEM (Item), POEH (Purchase Order Header Note), POEL (Purchase Order Line Note), POPH (Purchase Order Receipt Header Note), POPL (Purchase Order Receipt Line Note), SOEH (Sales Order Header Note), SOEL (Sales Order Line Note), SOPH (Past Sales Order Header Note), SOPL (Past Sales Order Line Note), SOEL (Sales Order Line Note), SOQH (Quote Document Header Note), SOQL (Quote Document Line Note), TRDH (Transfer Header), TRDL (Transfer Line), and VEND (vendor). For each of these note types, there are system generated categories, such as GEN. You can associate an unlimited number of categories depending on your system’s Note Admin User setting on the Security view of Company Control F/M. You can define a specific user as the Notes Admin User or you can set this field to None so that note categories cannot be created for the specified company. For the Note Admin User defined on the Security view of Company Control F/M, the Note Entry program contains additional Admin and Category menu options.
Menu Options
From the Admin menu, you can access the Notes Security screen, which allows you to enter security settings for note types. On this screen you can manage which users have Note Entry access by security code, whether users can create/edit categories for note types, and manage category creation by security code. Refer to the Notes Security topic for details.
From the Category menu, you can access programs to edit, delete, and create note categories. Any note type can have an unlimited number of additional information fields associated with it, and any category of notes can have an unlimited number of additional information fields associated with it. The Category menu is available to the Note Admin User set on the Security view of Company Control F/M and for general users based on setting on the Notes Security Setting for Customer/Item/Vendor Notes screen. Refer to the Creating Categories topic for details.
From the File menu, you can select the Print menu option to access the Print Options screen, which is used to print notes by date range, category, or urgent note status.
Use the following field descriptions to enter information for notes:
Note Type
The type of note you want to modify or enter: ARDC (AR document), CUST (customer), ITEM (item) POEH (Purchase Order Header Note), POEL (Purchase Order Line Note), POPH (Purchase Order Receipt Header Note), POPL (Purchase Order Receipt Line Note), SOEH (Sales Order Header Note), SOEL (Sales Order Line Note), SOPH (Past Sales Order Header Note), SOPL (Past Sales Order Line Note), SOEL (Sales Order Line Note), SOQH (Quote Document Header Note), SOQL (Quote Document Line Note), TRDH (transfer document header), TRDL (transfer document line) or VEND (vendor). Press F2 or the
icon to search for Note Types.
The Note Type you select determines the fields that the system displays next.
Associated Fields: Customer, Document and Continuation # (for ARDC note type), Customer (for CUST note type), Item (for ITEM note type), Ticket #, Ship #, Line # (for TRNL note type), Ticket #, Ship # (for TRNH note type), PO Num (for POEH note type), PO Num, Line # (for POEL note type), PO Num, Receipt #, Line # (for POPH note type), PO Num, Receipt #, Line # (for POPL note type), Doc # (for SOEH note type), Doc #, Line # (for SOEL note type), Doc #, Invoice # (for SOPH note type), Doc #, Invoice #, Line # (for SOPL note type), Quote # (for SOQH note type), Quote #, Line # (for SOQL note type), or Vendor (for VEND note type).
Enter the information for the fields that the system displays for the Note Type you specified. You can press F2 or the
icon to search for customers, items, and documents.
The category for the note entry, such as General or Urgent. The system displays the category associated with the setting in the Note Type file or the user preference file as the default. If there is only one category on file for the note type, the system uses it as the default.
Urgent Only
Indicates that you want to display only those notes that are designated as urgent for the Note Type, associated fields, and Category combination entered.
In the browser in the lower portion of the screen, the system displays a list of available notes for Note Type, associated fields, and Category combination entered. The Notes browser displays the note date and time, urgent flag, subject and user that created the note.
Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Notes:
If there are no notes available, Add a note if you have the authority to create notes and the category has not been deactivated. If notes exist you can:
Edit - modify the highlighted note.
Add a note.
Delete the highlighted note.
If you select to add or modify a note, the system displays the Note Entry details screen. The Note Type, associated fields, and Category combination entered on the main screen display for reference.
Enter or modify the subject for the note.
Tip: Note that once you enter a subject you can save the note (by pressing OK) even if you have not yet entered any note text or additional information.
Indicates the note should be classed as urgent. Notes marked urgent automatically display in Sales Order Entry programs for customers, document header records, document line records, and items.
Enter or modify the text for the note.
Enter the contact person associated with the note.
Enter the reason for the note.
After completing the fields, you can:
Select OK to complete the note entry and return to the main screen.
Select Cancel to return to the main screen without entering a note.
For Item Notes only, you can also Exports to access the Export Selections from Items Notes (SME711) screen, which is used to export items notes to transfer document line notes.
When you have finished adding, modifying and deleting notes, you can select:
Print to select of a range of notes to print, and print them to the selected printer.
Lines (for Note types TRDH (transfer document header), POEH (Purchase Order Header Note), POPH (Purchase Order Receipt Header Note) SOEH (Sales Order Header Note), SOPH (Past Sales Order Header Note), SOQH (Quote Document Header Note)) to access Note Entry for transfer document lines associated with the transfer document header.
Done to exit the Note Entry (SME710) screen.