Audit Inquiry by Field (SME017F)

Use Audited Inquiry by Field allows you to see all changes made to a specified field or fields in audited files. You can limited the display by user. The display can also be limited by a date range. The Audit Changes Inquiry by Field program is available by right-clicking on a field in a graphical file maintenance program with audit capability or from the Audit menu on file maintenance programs that have audit capability--graphical file maintenance programs for users who have the File Maintenance Audit checkbox in The Administrator Privileges section of the Security tab in User Code F/M.

In the browser, the inquiry displays the date and time the field was changed, the key field , the value from which the field was changed and the new value, and the user making the change.

Note that in the Audited Changes Inquiry by Field program, the companion file fields are not visible in the field search. You can type in the field name, and the program will show audited changes for that field. The program will also not show the description of the field in the header if it's a companion field. This is because the companion file identity is unknown at that point.

Use the following fields to display Audit Inquiry by Field settings:

1. File Name

Enter the file name for the inquiry.

2. Field

Enter the field name for the audit inquiry.

In the Filters section complete the following:

3. Dates From

Enter the beginning date of changes to display. 

4. To

Enter the ending date of changes to display.  

5. User

Enter the User Code to use for the display.