SO Static Control F/M (SOF980)

The Static Control F/M consists of many flags and entries that activate or deactivate many of the features available in the Sales Order module. For instance, from this program you can determine whether or not to use job costing, past sales, cash drawer handling and quick customer creation, just to name a few of the possibilities. This program also enables you to show or hide certain header and line-item entry prompts for during entry in Blanket Sales Orders, Recurring Invoices, and the Customer Returns System.

CAUTION! We strongly advise that administrators place a password on this program. Changes should be made only with extreme caution and under the supervision of your Affiliate.


Several of the following inputs are marked with an *. This indicates that changes to these fields after initial installation may create errors throughout your system. Please call your Affiliate before making any changes.

The SO Static Control F/M contains six tabs of controls.

Use Features tab

Settings tab

Tax Freight tab

Printing tab

Entries tab

Blanket Orders tab

Hazmat tab  



See Also

For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.

How to use File Maintenance programs