Item Scope Pricing Entry (SOE566)

The Item Scope Pricing Entry (SOE566) window has the same functionality as the pricing entry at the contract level (on the main contract entry screen.

If fixed pricing is entered at the contract level then fixed pricing cannot be entered at the item scope level pricing screen and vice enter any number of specific items, any number of item classes, and any number of primary vendors (with or without UM specifications) for a contract.

If at the item scope level every entry made has pricing entered, then at the contract level it is no longer mandatory for an entry to be made.

If at the item scope level an entry does not have pricing entered then fixed pricing cannot be entered at the contract level nor can contract level pricing be empty.

Deleting an entry from the item scope level will delete any associated pricing with that item.

Use the following fields to enter item scope pricing:

1. Break Quantity  

Enter the minimum quantity that must be sold on a sales order document in order to utilize the price from the level. Quantity break is always defined in the selling unit of measure.

For example, the standard price of I100 is $10.00 ea., the break 1 price is $9.75 and the break 2 price is $9.50. In order to receive a price of $9.75 the customer must purchase a minimum of 50. In order to receive a price of $9.50 the customer must purchase a minimum of 100. Therefore break 1’s quantity is 50 and break 2’s quantity is 100.

If the contract is for a non-specific item, i.e., item price class, vendor or all items, the quantity break will apply to any item in that group of items regardless of UM. For example, if 10 is set as the quantity for quantity break 1, it would apply to 10 boxes of widgets as well as 10 cases of wickets (as long as widgets and wickets were within the same item scope defined on the contract).

2. Basis 

 The valid options for basis for quantity break prices are as follows: list price, manual cost, sales order entry cost, standard price, any quantity break price or level price(up to the level being entered, e.g., if quantity break 3 is being entered, you may enter 1 - 3 as the basis for quantity break 3), entered in Costing and Pricing programs located in the Inventory Control module.

3. Mult

The multiplier for the quantity break price.

4. Price 

The set price for the contract quantity break price line. (If you select N/A as the basis you can enter a set price in this field.)

5. Comm %

In addition to the three set up options for the quantity break prices, you can also enter a commission %. An Inventory Control static record flag determines whether this commission flag is used throughout the costing/pricing subsystem. If the flag is turned off, the option to enter the commission % is never available. If the flag is turned on, each contract price that is set up will require the entry of a commission %. When entering the commission %, you can set the commission % to "no priority" (blank) indicating that commission is not generated based on the price being set up. (If the item is set to "no priority", any commission % entered in the contract pricing system will be ignored). (For more information on commissions, refer to the commission basis flag set in the Company Control F/M program in the System Management module.)


Save your item scope pricing line.

You can highlight a pricing line and select:

D  Delete. Deletes a highlighted item scope pricing line

Edit to make changes for the highlighted line item.



Select Done to complete the entry process. Select Done again to exit the screen.