Unbilled Freight F/M (SOF940)

Use the Unbilled Freight F/M program to create records in the Unbilled Freight File. The program should only be used once to enter original start-up information. Thereafter, the Daily Sales Register updates this information. Any changes made to this program after live processing begins may compromise data.

NOTE: Entering original information into this file is optional.

Unbilled freight is recorded during the Daily Sales Register update when the freight code is set to B-bill later on an invoice.

Unbilled freight information may be displayed by printing the Unbilled Freight Report. Records may be removed from the Unbilled Freight File using the optional removal at the end of the Unbilled Freight Report or through the delete option in this file maintenance.

Field Descriptions

Use the following fields to set up the initial unbilled freight record:

1. Ship Via

Enter the ship via code for the unbilled freight (up to 15 characters). Ship Via codes are created and maintained in the Ship Via F/M. This entry must match the ship via entered in the header portion of the invoice.

2. Invoice

Enter the invoice number for the unbilled freight (up to six characters). An entry is required, but the invoice does not have to exist.

3. Date

Enter the invoice date for the unbilled freight.

4. Customer

Enter the customer number for the unbilled freight. Entering a valid customer displays the customer’s name.

5. Ship-To

Enter the ship-to name for the unbilled freight (up to 30 characters).

6. Weight

Enter the weight for the unbilled freight (0-99999999.9). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

See Also

For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.

How to use File Maintenance programs