Changing line item detail in Order Confirmation

The Line Detail window provides information about the item selected in the item browser. Line Detail becomes available after you enter an existing document number and

To access the Line Detail window:

Use the mouse or arrow keys to select an item in the browser. Choose the Line Detail button or select Options-->Line Detail from the menu.

Quantities/Shipping fieldJump to Costing/PO fields



This information is display only in the Line Detail window.

You can enter or change an item number in the line item entry section of the main Order Confirmation screen.

Note: If an asterisk (*) appears after the item number on the main screen, it indicates that the line number is on hold because the user does not have authorization to ship items from the shipping warehouse. To ship the item, an authorized user must approve the line at the line approval dialog box that appears during line item entry or that user must approve the line in the Item Shipment Approval Program (SOE520).


Enter a new item description, if necessary.

Customer Item

Enter the customer’s description or reference number for this item, if applicable.

Item notes

Choose the link the view any notes entered on this item. (Enter notes through the Item Inquiry program, access code ii).


Indicate whether this item is taxable. The program defaults to the Taxable setting in the item’s master file (see Item F/M).


Shows the quantity of the item ordered.

Press F2 to change the unit of measure. This can be used if, for example, the default UM is each but the customer wants to order a box.

If the quantity entered exceeds the available inventory in the shipping warehouse, the program gives you the option to accept the quantity anyway or press F2 to search other warehouses.

  • The Search Warehouses window displays the warehouses that have the item, along with the available, on hand, committed, on order, backordered and surplus quantities for the unit of measure selected.
  • Select a warehouse. This creates a suggested warehouse transfer. Make sure you backorder the item.

Press F3 to indicate this item is a direct ship from the manufacturer.


Enter the quantity shipped to the customer.


Enter a quantity to commit in the warehouse or accept the default.

This field defaults to the quantity ordered, if that quantity is available in the selected warehouse.


Enter a backordered quantity if the quantity ordered is greater than the available quantity in the selected warehouse.

When you enter a backordered quantity, Sales Order Entry programs base suggested document creation on the Stock, NonStocked, Uninventoried, and Temporary prompts in Sugg PO/TR by Type section on the Line Prompt tab of SO Entry Options F/M (SOF915). Use these settings to indicate whether you want to have the system ask to create suggested purchase orders or suggested transfers by item type during Order Entry line processing. Refer to the Suggested Transfer/Purchase Order Creation from Sales Order Entry Programs topic for detailed information about creating suggested warehouse transfer or purchase orders for backordered quantities.

The program skips this field if:

The customer does not allow backorders (Allow backorders flag not selected in AR Customer F/M).

Your company does not allow backorders (Allow backorders flag not selected in SO Static Control F/M).

The item is a direct ship.

The selected warehouse has enough inventory to fill the order.

If the backordered and committed quantities do not add up to the ordered quantity, the entry program resets the ordered quantity to the sum of the committed plus backordered.


The unit of measure field is display only. For a standard part number, the system uses the unit of measure (UM) from the Standard Part Number record as the default selling UM instead of the default selling UM in the Item F/M record. If you select not to use the standard part number UM or the standard part number UM is blank or not a valid selling UM for the item, then the system uses the standard default UM for the item.

Ship Complete

Enter the default ship complete status, or press F4-Backup to return to the preceding field.

Note: The Ship Complete field is a warehouse- and line-level designation. Refer to the Ship Complete Feature Overview topic for details.

You can select from the following options:

N Allow Partial--Indicates you want to allow the shipped quantity to be less than the ordered quantity for order the order line.

Y Ship Complete--Indicates you want to allow the quantity ordered must be the same as the quantity shipped on the order line item.

B Balance Complete—Indicates you want to allow the quantity shipped to be less than the quantity ordered on the first shipment, but the backordered quantities must be shipped complete for the order line. Once an order line is processed through the DSR, the line is changed to ship complete.

Costing/PO fields


Unit cost

Indicates the unit cost of the selected item. The Default Cost control in SO Static Control determines what the program defaults to in this field.


The program automatically calculates the GM%. The Gross Margin % Basis control in System Control F/M determines whether this number is based on price or cost. (System Management-->File Maintenance-->System Control F/M).

Cost Extension

The program automatically multiplies the unit cost by the ordered quantity and displays the cost extension. This is display only information.

Discount Amount

Indicates the dollar amount to discount off this item. The program automatically calculates the equivalent percentage discounted. It also multiplies the dollar amount by the ordered quantity and displays the discount extension to the right.

This field is enabled if the Discounts control in SO Static Control is set to Use Dollar Invoice Discounts.

Discount %

Indicates the percentage by which to discount this item. The program automatically calculates the equivalent dollar amount discounted. It also multiplies the dollar amount by the ordered quantity and displays the discount extension to the right.

This field is enabled if the Discounts control in SO Static Control is set to Use Percentage Invoice Discounts.