Order Review (SOE230)

How To

Use Order Review to display, place or release documents from credit or service hold. Documents may be displayed by warehouse, order type, order status, origin, priority, request date and outside salesperson.

If an order is placed on hold, it cannot be confirmed, and therefore will not be updated by the Daily Sales Register (DSR). However, if an invoice is placed on hold, it will be updated by the DSR and the resulting backorder document, if any, will be placed on hold.

Documents can be placed on hold through this program or during entry if the Credit Check flag in the Accounts Receivable Static Control is set to H-hold.

The Order Review program displays the document number, origin, on hold status, customer number and name, warehouse, date entered, total of the document and the terms code.

At the List From field in the lower left corner of the screen, you can enter the beginning document number to list in the browser or select image\ex_allft_shg.gif to display the first document selected or image\excl_right_shg.gif to display the next available document.

Use the following fields to place documents on hold:

1. Warehouse

Enter a valid warehouse codes for which documents are displayed. Only valid warehouse codes are accepted. The defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press image\find_shg.gif or F2 to search. Press image\all_shg.gif or F3 to default to ALL.

2. Hold Status

Enter whether to display documents that are C-Documents on Credit Hold, S-Documents on Service Hold, H-All Documents on Hold, N-Documents Not on Hold, or A All Documents. The program defaults to H-On Hold.

3. Type

Enter the types of orders to display. You can select from open orders, backorders, invoices and/or counter sales. Press image\all_shg.gif or F3 for All.

4. Status

Select the order status to display. You can select from: E-Entered, W-Pick Printed, C-Confirmed, I-Invoice Printed, R-Register Ready, or A-All.

5. Origin

Select the origin of orders to display. You can select from N-non-remote, W-web, R-remote or A-all documents.

6. Priority

Select the orders priority to display. You can select from: N-normal, R-rush or B-both.

7. Salesperson

Select the outside salesperson/territory to display. Press F3 or image\all_shg.gif for all.

8. Req. Cutoff

Enter request date to display through. Press F3 or image\none_shg.gif for No Cutoff.

In the browser in the lower portion of the screen the system displays sales order documents based on the warehouse and hold status selected.

You can select the image\noteheaderon_shg.gif icon to access Note Entry (SME710) for the sales order header record specified in the program or the image\notecuston_shg.gificon to access Note Entry (SME710) for the customer specified in the program.

When the Order Review program automatically creates purchase order such as for a direct ship sales order, FACTS determines if Vendor and Item notes should import into the PO, based on the export options setup on the note, and the Notes pop up functionality is disabled. If a note is set to export or required, then FACTS automatically imports the note onto the PO.

9. Document Number

The number for the sales order.

10. Hold Status

The current hold status of the sales order document. Available statuses are: H-On Hold, or N-Not On Hold.


The order type of the sales order document. Available order types are: open orders, backorders, invoices and/or counter sales.

12. Status

The order status of the sales order document. Available statuses are: E-Entered, W-Pick Printed, C-Confirmed, I-Invoice Printed, or R-Register Ready.

13. Origin

The origin of the sales order document. Available origins are: N-non-remote, W-web, or R-remote.

14. Priority

The priority of the sales order document. Available priority options are: N-normal, or R-rush.

15. Salesperson

The outside salesperson/territory of the sales order document.

16. Req. Customer Number

The number for the customer on the sales order.

17. Customer Name

The name for the customer on the sales order

18. Initiating Warehouse

The initiating warehouse on the sales order document.

19. Order Date

The order sales for the sales order.021. Total

The dollar total on the sales order document.122. Terms Code

The terms codes for the sales order.

You can highlight the sales order documents in the browser and select from the following functions:

Svc Hold--Places the highlighted documents on service hold. The selected document is placed on hold until the user releases it.

Credit Hold--Places the highlighted documents on credit hold. The selected document is placed on hold until the user releases it.

Release-- Releases the highlighted document. The selected document is no longer on hold. The system redisplays the sales order documents in the browser and asks if you want to add the document to the reprint file

Display Document—Accesses SO Document Inquiry (SOI620) for the selected document.

Aging-- Displays aging for the highlighted document’s customer. Shown is the customer’s aging as of the current system date. Displayed information includes: credit limit, balance, and current aging for the number periods (set in Accounts Receivable Static Control Record). .

Payment History--Displays payment history for the selected customer’s document. Shown is the customer’s payment history. Displayed information includes last payment date, days grace and history.

HeaderDisplays the Change Filters dialog box which is used to modify the selection criteria in the upper portion of the screen.

Select the image\notecuston.gif icon to access Note Entry (SME710) for the customer specified in the document.

Select the
image\noteheaderon_shg.gif icon to access Note Entry (SME710) for the sales order header record specified in the program.

Done-Exits the program.


Menu Options

File Exit


View Display Document… Accesses SO Document Inquiry (SOI620) for the selected document.

Aging… Displays aging for the highlighted document. Shown is the customer’s aging as of the current system date. Displayed information includes: credit limit, balance, and current aging for the number periods (set in Accounts Receivable Static Control Record).

Payment History… Displays payment history for the selected customer. Shown is the customer’s payment history.

Customer Notes… Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the customer specified in the document.

Document Notes…Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the sales order header record specified in the program.


Options  Hold Places the highlighted documents on hold. The selected document is placed on hold until the user releases it.

Release (same as above) Releases the highlighted documents. The selected documents are no longer on hold. The system redisplays the sales order documents in the browser and asks if you want to add the document to the reprint file.

See Also

How to place/release document credit holds