Posting lost sales
- Access Lost Sale Entry (SOC320) using one of the methods listed in Accessing Lost Sale Entry (SOC320).
- (Optional) In the Customer, Ship-To, and Slsp/Terr fields enter the information. Default values are available when Lost Sale Entry is called from SO Entry programs.
- Enter the item, quantity, price, and cost values in the Quantity, Price, and Cost (if cost is shown) field. Default values are available when Lost Sale Entry is called from SO Entry programs. Note: The Cost field does not display if you do not have the cost security code, and the Cost column in the list box will also be hidden. Items not on file can be entered.
- The Warehouse field value defaults from the user profile.
- (Optional) In the Description 1 and 2 fields, enter the description for only items not on file. (Only items-not-on-file can have their description entered/changed.)
- After you enter information in the above fields, matching or near matching records already on file are displayed in the lower list box.
- Specify whether to Update Usage.
- The default setting is based on the Replenishment Update Usage value for the entered item. Update the Reason Code as needed. The Reason Code will default to the SO Static value entered for default reason code.
- Click Save to record the lost sale.