Accounts Receivable

AR Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry (ARE210)—Add Sequence Number (Defect 348340)

The AR Cash Receipts and Adjustment Entry (ARE210) program now maintains the sequence number in which checks were entered.  For Electronic Batches, the sequence number is the order the check appears in the electronic file.  This feature makes it easier to find errors as you scroll through the stack of checks. You can sort the lines in the browser based on any of the column headings.

Customer Defaults F/M (ARF840)—Add Default Freight Method and Allow Method Change

The Invoicing screen of the Customer Defaults F/M (ARF840) program was enhanced so that settings for the customer’s default freight method and whether to allow the freight method (Quoted or Calculated freight) to be changed during the Order Entry (SOE210), Order Confirmation (SOE310), Direct Invoice Entry (SOE510), Credit Memo Entry (SOE330) and Counter Sale Entry (SOE510) programs.

Cash Receipts & Adjustments Entry (ARE210)—Allow F4 from Date to Check Number (Defect 348040)

When adding a new check transaction, you now have the ability to press F4 in the Date field to return to the check number field.