There are three types of reporting programs in FACTS.
Report programs print information in a specific format, but they do not update the system. An example is the Open Receivables Report, which lists all the open receivables in the system along with other information. Print programs output to forms, such as checks, 1099s, invoices, purchase orders, bills of lading, etc.
The Report Formatter brings more flexibility, convenience and functionality to FACTS reports by allowing you to customize changes to FACTS report output without the modification of standard code. FACTS Report Formatter allows you to expand their report output options in a variety of ways to further enhance the way they gather information from FACTS.
The Report Formatter also allows you to print to more than one output for each instance of a report. For example, a report can print to Excel, the viewer, and to a printer all in one print run. To access the multiple output feature simply choose the Multiple option from the Print Options screen.
The FACTS Report Formatter alsosupports supply chain management needs by providing report output to XML. You can print directly to aTCP/IP port or to a file with customized XML tags for each supply chain partner.
Those reports that use the Report Formatter can take advantage of new output types. Properly configured, you can print reports to:
XML (Can print to TCP/IP port)
ASCII Delimited (Can print to TCP/IP port)
Other (Programmer defined)
HTML to a file
You can manage security concerns for the Report Formatter by placing a security code on any field to prevent it from printing on the report for unauthorized users.
Setting Up General Ledger Breaks for Report Formatter
When setting up GL breaks in Trial Balance Total Breaks F/M (GLF960), each set of Total Group GL breaks must include the entire range of GL numbers. For example, if you have GL numbers that range from 1000 to 4000 and want to enter a break at GL number 2500 for Total Group 1, you must also enter another break for Total Group 1that would include the highest GL number, in this example, 4000. The same is true for any Total Group entered. So, if you enter a break for Total Group 2 that ends at GL number 2000, you would need to enter another break for Total Group 2 that ends at or beyond GL number 4000. Failure to enter the breaks as described will result in formatting problems with the report. Note that prior to this report being converted to use the Report Formatter, the above requirement did not apply. This requirement is a result of limitations introduced by the Report Formatter.
Registers print information and then provide an optional update, which posts the register information to the appropriate files. For example, after invoices are printed, they print on the SO Daily Sales Register. If you update the register, the invoices then post to the open receivables file, sales tax file, etc.
Most report, print and register programs allow you to
For example, the AR reports give you the option of printing in customer number, alphabetical, salesperson/territory or customer class order. If you choose to print a Customer Listing in customer class order, the report will sort and print all of the customers by class.
Once you select an order you can then choose the beginning and ending order that you want to print. The system always defaults to FIRST and LAST. These two fields enable you to filter your report by entering ranges. You can select the
to search for order values for your report.
In the Customer Listing example, you could enter Retail for beginning class order and Retail for ending class order to generate a report listing just your retail customers.
In addition to order and range, all reports and prints have a variety of properties that enable you to fine tune your reports.
Once you have answered all the questions in the report, click OK or press Enter.
Most FACTS reports print in 132-column paper (11 ½ x 14 inch paper). However, some reports, such as the Chart of Accounts, print on 80-column paper (8 ½ x 11 inch paper).
The END OF FIELDS statement indicates where 80-column paper may be used.
The following information appears on each page of all reports, except GL financial reports:
Reports and Prints Menu Options
Many reports and prints programs contain the following menu options:
Select Allows you to select a template for the report. Refer to the Selecting existing templates topic for more information.
Save Entries Save the current template settings for the report. Refer to the Creating system templates or Editing the order, range and properties stored in templates topics for more information.
Create Allows you to create a template for the reports. Refer to the Creating system templates topic for more information.
Properties Allows you to set printer properties for the template used by the report. Refer to the Setting printer properties in templates topic for more information.
Clear Clears the settings for the template and resets it back the report’s original default values. Refer to the Clearing a template topic for more information.
Properties Allows you to select the type of output device to which the report should print, select or deselect beginning and ending form feeds and adjust the number of lines in the top and bottom margins. Refer to the Using print options in reports and Setting a default printer using templates topics for more information.
Note: If the report is configured to use the FACTS Report Formatter and more than one print or output option exists for the report, the system displays the Multiple Output Selection screen instead of the Print Options screen.
(For reports with the FACTS Report Formatter feature enabled.)
Customize Report Allows you to customize the report by specifying a format and creating custom report layouts.
Security Allows you to manage security for each field on the report. You can set fields to be permanently hidden and lock fields with a security code. (The Security menu option can only be administrated by a user that is set up as a Reports administrator. Changes made are effective for all users.)
Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)