The Search icon next to a field indicates that a search is available. Click the icon or press F2 on the keyboard to activate the search.
The vertical scroll bar is not always accurate in regards to placement. This is a trade-off for performance. The more accurate this scroll bar is, the slower the search is able to perform.
The Search now does not automatically recognize the "first" and "last" record in a given result set unless the user specifically selects an action (up/down arrow) that causes the Search to "look" forward or backward. A new message has been added for the beginning and end of the result set that informs the user they have reached the "first" or "last" record.
In Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Entry and File Maintenance programs, open order searches contain Customer and Ship To fields are available to use to additionally narrow your search results.
The Filters section of the Search has been limited to Keywords only with all other Filter options accessed via the Filter Selections dialog box.
1. Complete the steps below to use a search. You can click on any step to access more information.
Select the Sort By option to use to display information in the browser in the lower part of the screen. Note that not all searches contain a Sort By option.
Enter the information that you want to look up in the Start With or Go To field.
2. Note: If your search is set to a sort order that includes a Starts with option, the Starts with field is displayed first and is the default prompt when you access the Search screen.
3. Use filters to narrow your search.
4. If available, switch sort orders.
You can also:
5.Set search preferences
6. If you need to you can stop the search
Enter the information that you want to look up in the Starts With or Go To field.
There are three points to remember about this field.
1. It is case sensitive. If data was entered into the system with the Caps Lock on, enter the look-up information in ALL CAPS.
2. It is not a filter or a keyword. As you enter look-up information in the Starts With or Go To field, the search program advances the highlight bar to the first closest match. All the searchable information remains in the browser so you can scroll up or down through the entire list.
3. These fields relate to the selected sort order. This is important to remember in searches with multiple sort orders. For instance if you’re in a Customer search with the Customer Number sort order selected, C220 is valid Go To criteria. However, if you switch to the Contact sort order, C220 will take you to the first contact name that starts with C.
:The Starts with and Go To field options reposition the search with each character that is keyed into the field. For example, if you typed C in the Starts with field, the search immediately repositions the browser to the first Customer who’s customer number begins with a C. Then if you enter a 2 right after the C, the search immediately repositions the browser to the first Customer who’s customer number begins with a C2.
Entry is Beyond the Last on File. If this message appears, try entering the lookup information in either ALL CAPS or lower case, and make sure the lookup information you entered corresponds to the search order you selected.
Use filters to narrow your search.
Filters enable you to focus on specific information. When you enter a filter, the search eliminates from the browser any information that doesn’t match the filter criteria.
Filters are not case sensitive and they are not tied to the selected search order. In other words, if you enter the keyword copper, the search looks through all information — including alpha, descriptions, contacts, cities, states — and returns any entries that contain that word.
For your filter settings, enter Keywords to find information in your search. Use the And/Or button to manipulate the keywords.
You can use the Go button to invoke any Keyword search capability on demand rather than immediately beginning a search when tabbing out of the Keyword fields. For example: You can enter the first keyword, manipulate the And/Or button and set a second keyword and then select the Go button to generate the search.
Note that as a visual cue, the Go button will turn green when the user needs to select it in order to begin the keyword search.
You can select the Filter icon to access the Filter Selections dialog box.
The Filter Selections dialog box contains any additional filter values that are available and has a Clear button to clear out any settings that may have been entered previously. After you enter valid values for the available filters and click the OK button, the Search generates a result set based on the filter criteria. The visual cue that the filter is selected is
, a check mark displayed on top of the filter button,.
If available, switch sort orders
Use sort orders to put information in a certain sequence.
For example, if you are performing a customer search, you have the option of sorting the information according to alpha, customer, contact, phone number or customer class. The information that you sort by appears in the first column of the browser window.
For instance, you may only know the customer by its FACTS customer number (i.e., C100), so you choose to search in customer order. When you do the information in the browser reorders according to customer number and the customer number shifts to the first column position.
To select a sort order:
Click on one of the tabs at the top of the window or press the Alt key plus the underlined letter on the tab.
Most searches default to the alpha order if it is available, but you can select which sort order the search defaults to when you open it.
You can stop the search process by selecting the Escape key. Selecting the "Escape" key (as defined in FACTS) when the Search is generating the result set will interrupt the search and almost immediately return any values found matching the search criteria up through the time the "Escape" key was selected.
Scrolling the browser left and right no longer restarts the search.
When a search is generating the result set, clicking your mouse anywhere in the dialog box generates an interrupt to the search. All values found matching the search criteria up through the time the mouse click was detected will be displayed.