Temporary Item Inquiry (SAI621)

This program allows you to analyze sales of temporary items by warehouse.

Use the following fields to display temporary item inquiry information:

1. Warehouse

Press Enter (CR) to default to Warehouse 01. You can enter another warehouse code or press F2 to perform a warehouse search.  

Once a warehouse code is entered, the system displays item numbers and descriptions for all temporary items ordered through that warehouse. FACTS also displays the date those items were ordered, total sales and cost of goods for those items, as well as gross margin and gross margin percent.

2. List From

At the List From field in the lower left-hand corner of the screen, you can go directly to a specific temporary item by entering that temporary item number.  


When you have finished viewing temporary item information the warehouse selected, press the Done button to return to the Warehouse field. Enter the warehouse number for the inquiry or press Done to exit the screen.