Vendor F/M (APF910) Field Descriptions

Use these fields to create individual records for each vendor.

*. Vendor number

The vendor number (up to 10 characters). Press F1 to assign the next available vendor number from the AP Nonstatic Control F/M. The word NEXT appears until you enter all of fields and the actual number is displayed before the record is added to the file.  

Vendor F/M Main Screen

2. Vendor name

Specify the vendor’s name (up to 30 characters).

3. Country

Specify the vendor’s country.

4. Address

Specify the vendor’s address information.

5. City

Specify the city name (up to 15 characters).

6. State

Specify the state name using the two-character designation provided by the post office.

7. Zip code

Specify the zip code (up to 10 characters).

8. Final Address Line

Specify the final address the vendor’s address (up to 30 characters). Click Reset default to the city, state and zip entered in the previous fields. The Final Address Line may be used for international addresses and will be used for all printouts instead of city, state and zip.

9. Alpha (alphabetic sort key)

Specify the alphabetic sort key to be used to sort vendors alphabetically for printouts, displays and alpha searches (up to 10 characters). In most cases, the first ten characters of the vendor’s name are sufficient to achieve alphabetical look up. Press Enter to default to the first ten characters of the vendor’s name as entered in the Vendor Description field.

10. Contact #1

Specify the name of the person you work with at the vendor’s office (up to 25 characters). If only one contact is needed, use the first.

11. Phone #1

Specify the vendor’s phone number including area code, dashes and extension, if needed (up to 17 characters). If only one phone number is needed, use the first.

12. Email

Specify the email address for the person entered as contact #1 above.

13. Contact #2

Specify the name of another person you work with at the vendor’s office (up to 25 characters).

14. Phone #2

Specify the vendor’s second phone number including area code, dashes and extension, if needed (up to 17 characters).

15. Email

Specify the email address for the person entered as contact #2 above.

16. Web Site

Specify the company’s Internet address.  

Vendor F/M Purchase History screen

To access the purchase history screen, click the Purchase History Tab.
The following fields should be used as a file maintenance only once to enter original information. Thereafter, this information is updated by the system and any changes you make could compromise data. Entering initial information into these fields is optional.

The update portions of the Document Entry & Adjustments Register and the Check Register programs update purchase history information.

2. Date Opened

Specify the date the account was opened with this vendor. Press Enter to default to the date this vendor was entered into the vendor file.

3. Date Last Invoice

Specify the date of the most recent invoice from this vendor.

4. Date Last Payment

Specify the date of the most recent payment made to this vendor.

5. Date Highest Balance

Specify the date the highest amount of money was owed to this vendor.

6* Current Balance This field is display only.

7. Highest Balance

Specify the amount of the highest balance for this vendor (+/- 99999999.99).

8. Month-To-Date Invoices, Payments, Disc. Taken, Disc. Allowable

Specify the total amount of month-to-date invoices (+/- 99999999.99).

9. Year-To-Date Invoices, Payments, Disc. Taken, Disc. Allowable

Specify the total amount of year-to-date invoices (+/- 99999999.99).

10. Prior Year Invoices, Payments, Disc. Taken, Disc. Allowable

Specify the total amount of prior year invoices (+/- 99999999.99).

Vendor F/M Financials screen

2. Check Name

Specify the payee’s name that should print on the AP checks (up to 30 characters). Press Enter to default to the vendor’s name.

3. Country

Specify the vendor’s country.

4. Address

Specify the first address line to print on the AP checks (i.e., remit-to address) (up to 30 characters). Press Enter to default to address 1 of the vendor.

5. City

Specify the city name (up to 15 characters).

6. State

Specify the state name using the two-character designation provided by the post office.

7. Zip code

Specify the zip code (up to 10 characters).

8. Final Address Line

Specify the final address line for the vendor’s address (up to 30 characters). Click Reset default to the city, state and zip entered in the previous fields. The Final Address Line may be used for international addresses and will be used for all printouts instead of city, state and zip. 

9. Tax Exempt #

Specify your company’s tax-exempt number applicable for this vendor (up to 10 characters). Tax-exempt numbers may vary by state. This number prints on any purchase order for this vendor so that you are not charged tax.

10. TIN

Specify the vendor’s 1099 Tax Identification Number (up to 12 characters). This is used to print on the 1099 forms for sales more than $400. This number is most often used for contract labor situations.

11. Terms Code

Specify the terms code for this vendor (up to 5 characters).

Vendor F/M Miscellaneous screen

2. Our Customer #

Specify your customer number from this vendor (up to 10 characters). It should be the number this vendor has assigned to you for their records.

3. Vendor Class

Specify the vendor class (up to 3 characters).

4. GL Table

Specify the GL posting table to which this vendor belongs (up to 3 characters). The entry must be a valid AP general ledger posting table. Press F2 to search.

5. Doc Group (document group)

Specify the normal document group for this vendor (up to 2 characters). Document groups are optional and this field may be skipped.

6. Ship-From

Specify the normal (default) ship-from number for purchase orders for this vendor (up to 5 characters). Press Enter to default to SAME meaning this ship-from name and address is the same as the vendor’s name and address. If the number is not SAME, the screen will display the number. After the vendor record is entered, the ship-from number and address should be entered in the Ship-From F/M program in purchase orders.

7. Default Freight

Specify the default freight code for this vendor. This freight code is used as the default for warehouse-ship purchase orders created in PO Entry and PO Receipt Entry programs. You can select from: B-Bill Later, C-Collect, P-Prepaid, A-Prepay/Add.

8. Perm/Temp (Permanent/Temporary)

Specify whether the vendor is Permanent or Temporary. Temporary vendors who have a zero balance are removed during the End-of-Period Update. The temporary vendor numbers may be reused. Press Enter to initially default to P.

9. Temporary Item Lead Time

Specify the default lead time for temporary items. This field represents the default lead time for this vendor for temporary items for use in determining when to release a request on a blanket sales order. This value can be overridden during blanket sales order entry. Press Enter to initially default to 0.

10. Message

Specify a message if desired (up to 30 characters). This message only appears on the screen during document entry programs.

11. Def Action for Customer Returns

Specify the default for the handling of items purchased from this vendor that are being returned through the CRS system: W - Return to Warehouse, R - Return to Vendor for Replacement, C - Return to Vendor for Credit, S – Scrap, or P - Repair. This is the default when a new customer return is created.

12. Vendor Return Consolidation Warehouse

Specifying a Vendor Return Consolidation Warehouse here indicates that returns from the customer to other warehouses are transferred to the consolidation warehouse prior to being returned to the vendor. Leaving this field blank or using F3-None means that each warehouse handles its own returns to the vendor.

13. Active

Indicate whether the vendor is active. If N is entered, no processing is allowed for this vendor (i.e., no checks may be processed and no documents may be entered). Press Enter to initially default to selected.

12. On Hold

Indicate whether to place the vendor on hold. If selected, no checks may be written to this vendor. Press Enter to initially default to unselected.

13. Use Ledgercards

Indicate whether to store ledgercards for this vendor. Press Enter to initially default to the value set for the Use Vendor Ledger Card check box on the General screen of AP Static Control F/M.

14. Store Past POs

Indicate whether to store past purchase orders for this vendor. Press Enter to initially default to selected (yes).

Vendor F/M Costing Screen

2. Default Cost Class Prompt

Specify the default cost class. Press F1 for no cutoff date. If your company does not use costs classes for cost contracts, enter None in this field.

3. Cost Hierarchy Prompt

Specify the cost hierarchy types. You can select from: S=Standard PO cost, I=Contracts for specific items, C=Contracts for items in a cost class, or A=Contracts for all items. Press Enter to default to I+C+A+S. Press F1 for None.

4. Use Lowest Cost

Click the Use Lowest Cost check box to indicate you want to ignore the cost hierarchy and use the lowest cost the system can find.

Vendor F/M User-Defined Screen

Many users have a few pieces of information about customers, vendors, and items that are unique to their business that they would like to enter into FACTS for reference purposes. The User-Defined screen displays user-defined fields in the major file maintenances and makes them available in FACTS Inquiry programs for information only. There are 5 user-defined fields available to any user that has access to Vendor F/M.

You must have administrator privileges for User-defined Fields setting on the Security tab of User Code F/M (SMF410).