Create Suggested Costs/Prices (ICU410) Field Descriptions

How To

Use these fields to create suggested costs/prices.

1. Order

Select the order to create suggested costs/prices: Item, Alpha, Vendor, Item Class, Item Price Class. Press Enter to default to Item order.

2. Beginning Order Choice

Specify the beginning order choice.

3. Ending Order Choice

Specify the ending order choice.

4. Item Type

Specify the type of item to create: Stocked, Nonstocked, or Uninventoried. Press Enter to default to SNU.

5. Vendor/Item Price Class

Specify the vendor number or item price class to create.

6. Effective Date

Specify the effective date of the suggested cost/price change. Press Enter to default to the system date. Effective dates for any suggested records already on file will be overwritten.

7. Suggested Level Types

Indicate the suggested record types to create: List Price, Manual Cost, Standard Price, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6. The number of price levels available corresponds to the number of price levels that are set up in the # Price Levels field in the IC Static Control program.)

8. List Price Fields

Basis is not a valid option for list price; this field is skipped.

Multiplier is not a valid option for list price; this field is skipped.

Change %—Specify the Change % of the suggested list price over current list price for the item(s) selected. Press Enter to default to 0% (zero).

Commission % is not a valid option for list price; this field is skipped.

ReplaceIndicate whether to replace the existing suggested list price if one already exists for the item(s) selected. Press Enter to default to selected.

9. Manual Cost Fields

Basis is not a valid options for list price and this field is skipped.

Multiplier—Specify the Multiplier to be applied to the basis to calculate List Price or press F1-Skip. Press Enter to default to 0 (zero).

Change %—Specify the Change % for the list price for the item(s) selected. Press Enter to default to 0% (zero). (Basis and multiplier are not valid options for list price and these fields were skipped).

The Commission % entry is skipped since commission % may not be set for list price.

ReplaceIndicate whether to replace the existing suggested list price if one already exists for the item(s) selected. Press Enter to default to selected.

10. Standard Price Fields

Basis—Specify the basis to apply the multiplier against to calculate the suggested standard price or press F1-Skip to specify a Change % to calculate the standard price. Options for basis are L—List Price and M—Manual Cost.

Multiplier—Specify the Multiplier to be applied to the basis to calculate standard price or press F1-Skip.

Change %—Specify the Change % to calculate the standard price. If a basis and multiplier were entered in the previous fields, this Change % is skipped.

Commission % —Specify the Commission % for the suggested standard price. Press Enter to set the Commission % to the current Commission %. Press F1 to default to No Priority.

ReplaceIndicate whether to replace the existing suggested standard price if one already exists for the item(s) selected. Press Enter to default to selected.

The following selection prompts (Level 1 Price through Level 6 Price) only appear according to what is set in the # Price Levels flag in the IC Static Control Record.

Note: The following restrictions apply to level prices to insure descending level prices if the Require Descending Level Prices flag in the IC Static Control Record is set to Y:

The following table illustrates this more clearly:
















1.5000 x .9333 = 1.4000


Level 3 multiplier cannot be greater than .9333 because the factor will be greater than the level 2 factor.

-->  If price level 1 is using a change percentage, all other levels must use a change percentage and the percentage must be equal to or less than the previous level.

-->  The value entered in level 1 for the Replace field must be entered in the other levels also.

11. Level Prices 1-6

Basis — Specify the basis to apply the multiplier against to calculate the suggested level price or press F1-Skip to specify a change % to calculate the level price. Options for basis are L—List Price, M—Manual Cost and S—Standard Price. Once this is set for level 1, the only options for basis on levels 2-6 are either what is set for level 1 or a previous level.

Multiplier — Specify the multiplier to be applied to the basis to calculate level price or press F1-Skip.

Change %— Specify the Change % to calculate the level price. If a basis and multiplier were entered in the previous fields, this Change % is skipped.

Commission % — Specify the Commission % for the suggested level price. Press Enter to set the Commission % to the current Commission %. Press F1 to default to No Priority.

ReplaceIndicate whether to replace the existing suggested level price if one already exists for the item(s) selected. Press Enter to default to selected.

Note: You cannot access this field for levels 2 - 6 if the Require Descending Level Prices flag in the IC Static Control Record is set to Y because this field will default to whatever you entered in Replace for Level 1 Price for all other price levels.

12. Create Levels

This field is skipped if no suggested price levels were selected to be created in the previous field. Indicate whether to create price levels for items if no current prices exist for the level. The price levels created here will be based on the standard price. Press Enter to default to unselected.

13. Pricing Um Scope

This field is skipped if the Suggested Types selected do not include price levels, list price or standard price. Specify whether to create suggested price records for All pricing UM records, Non-default pricing UM records or Default pricing UM records. This UM scope does not effect the list price or manual cost. Press Enter to default to All.

14. Rounding

Suggested records will be created only for current records with dollar amounts. Specify whether to round prices to the nearest Five Cents, Ten Cents or No Rounding. Press Enter to default to N.

15. Skip Inactive Items

Indicate whether to skip inactive items when creating suggested costs and prices.

16. Press OK and after the system displays a message telling how many records were updated. Press OK on the message box to exit the program. Press Cancel to discard your changes.

See Also

How to create suggested costs/prices for a range of items