Quantity Breaks Field Descriptions

Use these fields to create quantity breaks.

In the Quantity Breaks section of the screen, specify the number of the quantity price break line (1-6) you want to add or modify. You can also press F3 to end

You can specify the following:

1. Qty

Specify the minimum quantity that must be sold on a sales order document in order to utilize the price from the level.

For example, the standard price of I100 is $10.00 ea., the break 1 price is $9.75 and the break 2 price is $9.50. In order to receive a price of $9.75 the customer must purchase a minimum of 50. In order to receive a price of $9.50 the customer must purchase a minimum of 100. Therefore break 1's quantity is 50 and break 2's quantity is 100.

2. Basis

The system displays the basis options. Initially, you can select from L—Use List Price as Basis, M—Use Manual Cost as Basis, S—Use Standard Price as Basis. After you set the basis/multiplier all price breaks must either use the same basis or they must be based on another price break.

The basis options for additional quantity breaks are:
L—Use List Price as Basis , or 1-6—Use Prior Quantity Break 1-6 as Basis. For example, if manual cost is the basis for break 1, the bases for breaks 2 through 6 must be either manual cost or one of the previous price breaks. The basis for levels 2 - 6 may not be set to list price or standard price.

3. Multiplier

If you are entering the suggested standard price as a basis and multiplier, specify the multiplier for the suggested standard price for the level. The system automatically calculated and displays the new suggested standard price for the level.

4. Change %

Specify the percent change for the new suggested standard price for the level. The system automatically calculated and displays the new suggested standard price for the level.

5. (Optional) Comm %

Specify a commission percent for the price level.
image\pinpurpl_shg.gif A Sales Order Static F/M flag determines whether this flag is available throughout the costing/pricing subsystem. If the flag is turned off, the system does not give you the option to specify the commission %. If the flag is turned on, each cost/price you create will require you to specify a commission %. When entering the commission %, you also have the option to set it to "no priority" (which leaves the field blank), indicating that commission is not generated based on the price being set up. (If the item is set to "no priority", any commission % entered in the pricing system will be ignored).

6. After you specify the quantity break information, the system displays the line in the Quantity Breaks section of the screen. You can select F3 to stop adding quantity break levels or continue adding up to 6 quantity break levels.

7. When you have completed the quantity breaks, the following options at the command prompt in the lower portion of the screen:

E—Specify a new effective date.

L—Specify a new list price.

M—Specify a new manual cost.

S—Specify standard prices.

Q—Specify quantity breaks.

Line #--Specify the price level line to edit. (All of the item's valid pricing unit of measures are displayed, from smallest to largest. Up to seven lines of standard prices can be displayed at one time.)

D—Delete by selecting from the following: L--Suggested list price, M—Suggested manual cost, S— Suggested manual price for the selected unit of measure.

F1—Display the next item on file.

F3—Set the scope.

F4—Backup to the pricing level fields.