The following inputs are involved in creating the company control record. M indicates that changing the field after initial installation may have serious repercussions. Please check with your Affiliate before you make any changes.
M1. Item # Pad
Specify whether to pad the item number with blanks on the 1-left or 2-right. Press Enter to initially default to 1.
M2. # Of Periods/Year
Specify the number of periods in a year (4-13). Twelve is the standard entry. Press Enter to initially default to 12.
M3. Length Of G/L #
Specify the length of the general ledger account number (4-10 digits). The length includes digits only and does not include possible dashes that may be part of the general ledger number. For example, if the G/L # is 000-00-0, the length is 6.
4. G/L # Print Mask
Specify the general ledger number print mask (4-14). For example, if five digits are chosen as GL number length with a mask of 000-000, the GL number 15505 would be displayed as 155-05 when entered in the system. The length must be at least as long as the general ledger number.
This determines the position of the branch within the general ledger number. Even if the company does not use part of its general ledger number to designate branch, this record must be set up. If branches are not used, enter zero. If branches are used, enter the position of the first character of the branch in the general ledger number. Assume, for example, in GL numbers 100-01 and 100-02, 01 and 02 indicate the branch. The entry would then be 4, meaning the branch starts in the fourth position of the general ledger number.
This determines the position of the department within the general ledger number. Even if the company does not use part of its general ledger number to designate departments, this record must be set up. If departments are not used, set this to zero. If departments are used, enter the position of the first character of the department in the general ledger number. Assume, for example, in GL numbers 100-01 and 100-02, 01 and 02 indicate the department. The entry would then be 4, meaning the department starts in the fourth position of the general ledger number.
M7. Length of Dept.
Specify the length of the department number (1-4). As in the example above, the length of the department number is 2. Any entry from the first digit to the last digit in the GL number is accepted.
8. Commission Flag
Indicate whether the system should L-always choose the lowest commission in the hierarchy, H-always choose the highest commission in the hierarchy, or X-calculate (always choose the commission that the hierarchy determines). The X-calculate option means to not give preference to the highest or lowest commission in the hierarchy, but simply follow the hierarchy order.
Specify in priority order how to calculate commissions using S-salesperson, C-customer I-item and P-contract price percentages (all must be entered). Note that the P-contract price option only applies to contract prices, not level and quantity prices.
Calculating Commissions
When calculating commissions, the system first checks the value of the Commission Flag. If the Commission Flag is set to H- always choose the Highest commission in the hierarchy, the system returns the highest commission %, excluding the line’s commission %, after replacing the item’s commission with the price’s commission if necessary. If the Commission flag is set to "L- always choose the Lowest commission in the hierarchy", it returns the lowest, non-blank, commission %, excluding the line’s commission %, after replacing the item’s commission with the price’s commission if necessary.
If the value of the Commission Flag is set to X-calculate (always choose the commission that the hierarchy determines), the system checks the Commission Basis for the first priority to determine which commission percentage to use. As the priority string is being navigated, the first entry that has a commission other than "No Priority" (or blank) will be returned as the correct commission %. If set to SCIP the system would calculate the commission using the percentage assigned to the salesman who sold the merchandise. If no priority is assigned to the salesman, the second priority is checked. The system would then calculate the commission using the percentage assigned to the customer the merchandise was sold to. If no priority is assigned to the customer, the third priority is checked. The system would then calculate the commission using the percentage assigned to the item that was sold.
If the price type is not a contract price, the position of the Price’s Commission % in the hierarchy will be ignored, and if a Price Commission is present, it will replace the Item’s Commission % (regardless of whether the Item’s Commission was "No Priority").
If the user override flag is set for the line-item during order entry processing, the system returns the Line’s Commission as the correct commission %.
Specify whether to use C-cost or P-price as the basis for gross margin percent calculations. Press Enter to initially default to C. This flag affects the calculation of gross margin in all programs using it .
Specify whether the date format to be used throughout the system is MMDDYY - American or DDMMYY - European. Press Enter to initially default to MMDDYY.
Specify a password (up to 6 characters) that is used for two purposes:
13. Credit Card Processor
Choose the method of processing credit cards. You can select from: Manual, ICVerify, PayflowPro, or CenPOS. Press Enter to default to Manual. If you attempt to modify this field and any non-processed credit card transactions exist in the SORSOP file, the system displays a message that the Credit Card Processor method cannot be changed until all pending transactions are processed.
14. Substitutes to eCatalog
Indicate whether substitute items set up in Item F/M are uploaded to eCatalog. There is no ability to select or unselect these at the item level.
If the AT module is used and the Substitutes to eCatalog check box is changed from "selected" to "unselected", the program deletes any substitute item records from the log file that have not yet been uploaded to eCatalog
15. Companions to eCatalog
Indicate whether companion items set up in Item F/M are uploaded to eCatalog. There is no ability to select or unselect these at the item level. Companion item memo lines do not upload to eCatalog at all.
If the AT module is used and the Companions to eCatalog check box is changed from "selected" to "unselected", the program deletes any substitute item records from the log file that have not yet been uploaded to eCatalog.
16. TEMP Ship-To Tax Code
Specify the tax code to use for temp ship-to’s of web orders when no other tax code can be found. Press F2 to search. Note that this TEMP Ship-To Tax Code applies only to web orders created without using a pickup location.
Processing Note for Orders Imported from eStorefront
When a temporary ship-to is created for a web order that was not entered for a pickup location, then the tax code to be used is determined with the following hierarchy:
If the ship-to number that is returned from the web is on file and the state and zip are the same in the ARSHIP record as what is returned from the web, then the tax code and tax rate from the ARSHIP record is used.
If the ship-to number that is returned from the web is on file and the state or zip are NOT the same in the ARSHIP record as what is returned from the web or the ship-to number returned from the web is not on file, then other permanent ship-to records will be searched for a matching state and zip (ARSHIP key 4). If found, then that ship-to’s tax code is used. The tax rate is taken from the customer record (ARCUST).
If there is still no tax code found, then the program looks in the Default Tax Code Entry file for a record matching the returned state and zip. If found, then that is the tax code that is used. The tax rate is taken from the customer record (ARCUST).
Lastly, the TEMP Ship-To Tax Code field in the Company Control F/M record is used and the document is placed on service hold. The tax rate is taken from the customer record (ARCUST). If this field is blank, then the order is rejected.
Specify the ISO standard currency code for this company. This code is used when publishing XML only, and does not change the prompts throughout FACTS, nor does it imply that FACTS is capable of handling multiple currencies, tracking conversion rates, etc.
Modules Used tab
1. Use Modules
Select the check box for each module that the selected company uses. The module code must appear on the FACTS Authorization Sheet. The MC module may not be selected (checked) if the WMS Edition is Collect and will not allow the check box to be selected (checked) until the WMS Edition is changed. The MC module may not be unselected (unchecked) if any Warehouse for this company (in Warehouse F/M) has the "Use In MC" check box selected (checked). Be sure to check the UA check box to include the Unform Archiving feature, the API Toolkit chec kbox for eStorefront use and the Use ION check box to allow FACTS to connect to OrderPoint.
Security Settings tab
1. Template Security
Define the security code that authorizes users to create System Templates in reports. Specify a character from a-z, A-Z or 0-9.
To authorize a user for system template creation, make sure this code appears in the Security Code field of that user’s record in User Code F/M.
2. Export Security
Define the security code that authorizes users to export search results to ASCII or Microsoft Excel files. Specify a character from a-z, A-Z or 0-9.
To authorize a user for search exports, make sure this code appears in the Security Code field of that user’s record in User Code F/M.
3. Allow auto sign-in
Indicate whether this company allows users to auto-sign into FACTS.
System Administrator Note: If the Allow Auto Sign-In setting is unchecked and the record is saved, the system essentially “forgets” that every user has previously signed in and forces them all to provide log-in credentials at the next attempt to access FACTS.
Email tab
Complete the following fields to set up the email settings necessary for emailing remittances and processing system-generated emails. For FACTS’ emailing capabilities to be operational, you must have purchased the ProvideX Internet Toolkit or have the ProvideX Pro-Bundle. If these fields are left blank, the settings from System Control F/M will be used when emailing remittances. The system must have the Internet toolkit or Pro-Bundle for these fields to be enabled.
1. Email Server Name
Specify the email server name.
2. Server Socket
Specify the email server socket If the Email Server Name is blank, this field will be disabled.
3. Authentication User Name
Specify the user name for server authentication. If the Email Server Name is blank, this field will be disabled.
4. Password
Specify the password for server authentication. If either of the Email Server Name or Authentication User fields is blank, this field will be disabled.
You can select the Test Email button to test the email settings. If the Email Server is blank, this button will be disabled.
5. From Email
Specify the email address to indicate where email is from when sending system-generated email alerts.
6. Reply Email
Specify the email address to indicate where email sent from when replying to system-generated email alerts.
Use the Case Control tab to control functionality related to the use of upper or lower case of letters in item and customer numbers.
Use the four check boxes described below to determine how the upper and lower case letters are treated during customer and item number creation. Note that you should be sure and un-select the Allow Duplicate Customers and Allow Duplicate Items check boxes to eliminate customers and items that have the same alphanumeric string as their ids except for different case (like I100/i100)
1. Force Uppercase Item Numbers
Indicates you want newly created items to have upper case item numbers, regardless of whether the user keys them in as lower case.
2. Force Uppercase Customer Numbers
Indicates you want newly created new customers created will have upper case customer numbers, regardless of whether the user keys them in as lower case.
3. Allow Duplicate Items
Indicates whether users are prevented from creating an item that would be a duplicate if case is not considered. If you un-select the Allow Duplicate Items check box, users are prevented from creating an item that would be a duplicate if case is not considered. For instance, if I100 exists in Item F/M, if the user tried to create item i100, a message would given and the item would not be created.
4. Allow Duplicate Customers
Indicates whether users are prevented from creating a customer that would be a duplicate if case is not considered. If you unselect the Allow Duplicate Customers check box, users are prevented from creating a customer that would be a duplicate if case is not considered. For instance, if C100 exists in Customer F/M, if the user tried to create customer c100, a message would given and the customer would not be created.
Case Issues button
The Case Issues button displays the Find Case Issues (SMF920C) browser, which is used to locate case related conflicts prior to eStorefront going live.
Use the SQL Server tab to hold the Data Source Name (DSN) being used for this company. If you change the DSN FACTS will warn and prompt you to rebuild the prefix file when you attempt to save the Company Control F/M record.
1. Data Source Name
The data source name being used for this company. This is a display-only field. Use the Rebuild Prefix File (SMU820) program to change the data source name for this company.
2. Modules for SQL Server Use
In the Modules for SQL Server Use section of the screen, each module that is available for use in SQL will have a place to indicate where the database for this module is located. After initial setup this field is read only and can only be changed by the FACTS SQL conversion program.
For the SA module, enter the database name and directory location for the Sales Analysis module in the Database Name field.
Use the API Settings tab to control the publication of transactions.
1. Location
Specify the location from which APIs will acquire the defaults for Branch, Department, Salesperson and Warehouse. These default settings may be overridden by settings held elsewhere. It is recommended that you setup a Location that you use specifically for the API toolkit and identify that in Company Control F/M.
In the external publish options section, enter:
2. Publish To
Indicate where the API should publish external transactions. You can select from T-TCP/IP address or D-Directory.
3. Publish Directory
Specify the folder name and directory location for the Publish directory for transactions if you indicated the Publish To method was Directory in field #1. Note that you must run SMU954 to upload information in the Publish Directory. You can run multiple copies of SMU954; run it a as a service or CRON job.
4. Response Directory
Specify the folder name and response location for the Publish directory for transactions if you indicated the Publish To method was Directory in field #1. Note that you must run SMU954 to publish information in the Response Directory. You can run multiple copies of SMU954; run it a as a service or CRON job.
5. TCP/IP Addr/Port
Specify the TCP/IP address or port number for the location for the API to publish transactions if you indicated the Publish To method was TCP/IP in field #1.
In the internal publish options section—those used by FACTS itself, enter:
6. Publish To
Indicate where the API should publish external transactions. You can select from T-TCP/IP address or D-API Polling Directories from System F/M.
7. TCP/IP Addr/Port
Specify the TCP/IP address or port number for the location for the API to publish transactions if you indicated the Publish To method was TCP/IP in field #2. The values in TCP/IP Addr;Port field on the Setting tab of Company Control F/M (SMF920) now can be defaulted to the TCP/IP Addr;Port field in System Control F/M (SMF950). This value is used as an override for System Control F/M if set for Internal API publishing via TCP/IP.