Counter Sale Entry Menu options



New document number

Use this option to manually assign a document number.

Open Existing Doc

Enables you to open and edit an existing document.

Delete Document

Allows you to delete a document with items on it.




Add line

Enables you to add a line item to the document.

Insert line

Enables you to insert a line item above the one selected in the item browser.

Delete line

Deletes a line item from the document.

Find line item

Enables you to search for a line item entered on the order by item number.




Shipping Warehouses

Enables you to change the ship via for a shipping warehouse once lines have been entered for a warehouse.

The Shipping Warehouses window displays the warehouse number, its description, the number of line items designated to ship from that warehouse and either a direct ship or the ship via code assigned for that warehouse.

Class Totals

Displays all item classes on the document and the number of line items in each class and class. This view also breaks down the document total by class.

Document Totals

Displays totals for weight, units, cost, merchandise, sales tax and miscellaneous sales.

Item Interchanges

Allows you to look up alternate references listed for each item number.


Displays the customer's credit limit, balance, current amount due, amounts overdue (if any) and any aging information.

Past Sales

Displays the customer's purchase history for a selected item. The history includes the purchase date, invoice number, the quantities purchased and in which units, the price per unit and the pricing unit of measure.


Displays quotes on file for a selected item and shipping warehouse. In addition to the quote number, this view shows which customer the quote is for, when the quote was entered and when it expires, as well as item quantities, prices and extended prices.


Displays committed quantities for a selected item. Choose to view sales orders, warehouse transfers, manufacturing tickets and equipment rental contracts (for Service & Repair users).

On Order

Displays any purchase orders, and for BOM items, any manufacturing tickets on file for the selected item. Enables you to view the quantities on order for this item.

Customer Notes

Displays any notes entered in AR Customer Inquiry or Notes Entry SME710 for the selected customer. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from Sales Order Programs topic for details.

image\pinpurpl_shg.gif You cannot access the Customer Notes feature (View-->Customer Notes) while you are working in the line-item portion of the screen. When you finish with line items, place the cursor in the header portion of the screen and then select View-->Customer Notes.


Item Notes

Displays any notes entered in IC Item Inquiry or Notes Entry SME710 for the selected item. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from Sales Order Programs topic for details.

Document Notes

Displays any notes entered in IC Item Inquiry or Notes Entry SME710 for the selected document. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from Sales Order Programs topic for details.

Line Notes

Displays any notes entered in IC Item Inquiry or Notes Entry SME710 for the selected document line. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from Sales Order Programs topic for details.

Price Options

Toggle this window on or off as needed.

The window appears while you are adding or editing a line item in the line item entry section of the main Counter Sale Entry screen. It displays all the available pricing options for this item, including any contract pricing, list prices, quantity breaks, level pricing etc. while you are in the price field.


Toggle this window on or off as needed.

The window appears while you are adding or editing a line item in the line item entry section of the main Counter Sales Entry screen. It displays the available, on hand, committed, on order and backordered quantities for the item you are entering.




Header Detail

Provides access to all the header fields available for this document type. See Counter Sale Header Detail window section.

Line Detail

Provides access to all the line entry fields available for sales order documents. See the Counter Sale Line Detail window section.

Line Approval

Enables users with password authorization to take lines off of hold status. Line approval is necessary in systems using multiple warehousing where certain users are not authorized to ship items from certain warehouses.

Approve items in batches with Item Shipment Approval (SOE520) .


Accesses the Deposit/Payment Entry window so you can place deposits on the order.

Lost Sale Entry

Allows you to track lost sales on items. Lost Sales functionality is only available if the Lost Sales check box is selected on the Use Features tab of SO Static Control F/M (SOF930). 

Specify the item number, description, the quantity, UM, price and the reason code. Click OK to return to the main window.

The Lost Sale Entry option can be triggered automatically. If you reset the ordered quantity from the original order quantity entered, but the shipped, backordered and committed quantities do not equal the new order quantity. The program prompts you to enter Y or N to indicate whether to post the difference (original order quantity minus new reset order quantity) to lost sales. If you enter Y (and the Lost Sales flag is selected in SO Static Control) the Lost Sales Entry window appears. The program defaults to Y.

Reason codes are created and maintained in the Lost Sales F/M (Sales Orders-->File Maintenances-->Lost Sales Reason Code F/M).

Import Items

Allows you import items from existing documents (quotes, orders or past invoices) This feature allows you to easily duplicate on one document (a quote, order or invoice) the line items on another document (quote, order or past invoice). Policy flags set in the Document Import Control F/M (SOF972) indicate whether or not you can duplicate lines from a document for a different customer and how the pricing gets updated when the import occurs. The system allows you to select the document type, reference number and default pricing option (if applicable) and then displays the Import Item Selection dialog box, so you can select the items to import to the new document.

Item Search

Allows you to search for items by item number, item interchange, item class or UPC number.

You can press the
Alt Look button on the Item Search to display warehouse quantities, item catalog search, service item search, or standard part number search.

You can also access the Item Search by pressing F2 at the Item Number field.

This option is only available when you are entering an item number in the Item field.

Customer Item Search

Allows you to search for items according to customer references.

This option is only available when you are entering an item number in the Item field.

Catalog Item Search

Allows you to search for a catalog item by alpha lookup or catalog item number.

This option is only available when you are entering an item number in the Item field.

Past Sales Search

Allows you to lookup all items sold to this customer in the past.

When you select an item from this search, the system sets quantity ordered to what the customer ordered in the past sale. This option is available at the item prompt and only if the Use Past Sales flag is selected in SO Static Control F/M.

From the Past Sales Search screen, you can the
Temp Items button display the Temporary Past Sales Search window, which contains a list of temporary items for the specified customer. If an item is selected from this window, the system closes both search windows populates the following fields in the Order Entry Line item section of the screen: Item number, Description 1, Description 2, Vendor, Class, Weight, selling Unit of Measure, Cost, cost Unit of Measure, Price, and price Unit of Measure.

This option is only available when you are entering an item number in the Item field.

Equipment Search


Allows you to look up equipment codes on file in the Service & Repair module.

This option is only available when you are entering an item number and if the Service & Repair module is activated and equipment records exist in the Equipment F/M.

Quick Item Add

Allows you to add an item to the system on the fly. The item can be accessed later from Item F/M in Inventory Control.

This option is only available when you are entering an item number in the Item field.

Quick Equipment Entry


Allows you to create a record for a new piece of equipment. This record can be accessed later from the Service & Repair Equipment F/M.

This option is only available when you are entering an item number and if the Service & Repair module is activated.


Go To*

* Programs on the Go To menu are disabled while a document is open.


Opens the Order Entry program.

Service Order

Opens the Service Order Entry program, if the Service & Repair module is activated.

Order Confirmation

Opens the Order Confirmation program.

Direct Invoice

Opens the Direct Invoice Entry program.

Credit Memo

Opens the Credit Memo Entry program.

Counter Sale

A check mark appears to indicate this program is in use.





Contents & Index

Opens the on-line help system.