Using search preferences

All FACTS searches offer their own user-definable preference settings. These settings allow you to control a number of features, such as the default sort order, the number of lines that appear in the browser, which column headers appear in the browser and which filters appear for each sort order.

To access Preferences, choose Options>Preferences from the menu bar.

Default search order: Use this setting to control which sort order appears each time you open the search. If a search only offers one search order, it is selected by default.

To set a default search order, select Options>Preferences from the menu bar. Choose the sort order you want the search to default to each time you open it and make sure the Save As User Defaults option is selected. Click OK to return to the main Search window.

Lines Displayed: Lines Displayed is a drop box giving you the ability to display from a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 20 lines in the Search browser. The default setting is 11 lines.

Save as User Defaults: Select this flag if you want any preferences you have set to remain in effect each time you enter this search. This flag also applies to Column Header settings.

Editing columns for the search browser

1. Click Columns in the Preferences window.

2. Click the Arrows in the center of the window to select which column headers you want to see in the browser and in which order. Column headers that appear in the left box will appear in the browser. The box on the right contains all the possible column headers you can display. The order in which column headers appear in the left box is the order they will appear in the browser.

3. Specify the Number of Locked Columns. This control enables you to keep a number of columns "locked" so they are always in view as you scroll horizontally.

Example: You set up your Customer Search Column Headers in the following order: customer number, customer name, street address, city, state, Zip Code, contact and phone number.

You decide that you always need to see the customer number and customer name when you scroll horizontally so you set the Number of Locked Columns to 2.

Removing preferences

You can remove all user preferences in searches by selecting Options>Reset to System Defaults in graphical.

Resetting to system defaults clears any saved filters and resets all search preferences back to the default FACTS settings.