Stock Status Report (ICR710)

Using reports

Use this program to obtain a report of the status and valuation of all items in inventory. Select the cost (standard, average, last or manual) used to determine valuation.

Serial/Lot item costing
You have the ability to cost serial and lot items by the system cost (costing method for the module). The feature provides for GAAP compliance. For the FACTS SO, IC and MC modules, you can decide if the cost for serial and lot items will be averaged actual (as it has always operated in the past) or system cost (costing method for the module). The default setting for each Static Control F/M is A-Averaged Actual (same behavior as they have before the monthly is applied). Users who want to take advantage of this change will need to change the option to S-System Cost for each of the applicable modules. The net result of selecting S-System Cost is that serial/lot items will be costed like non-serial/lot items. If the SO Default Cost or IC Costing Method is set to LIFO or FIFO and the or MC Cost to Use is set tot Standard, the Serial/Lot Cost defaults to A-Averaged Actual and cannot be modified.

The results of this program are affected by this selection.

When next period activity is included, the Stock Status Report (ICR710) can also provide a more accurate inventory valuation for serial/lot items.

For the example:

Lot Quantity Cost Extension
1 1000 .50 $500.00
2 2000 .30 $600.00

When next period activity is included on the Stock Status Report, the total cost (500.00 + 600.00 = 1100.00) is directly reported as the extension, with no intermediate rounding. However, the unit cost will still display as .367, so if you manually calculate the math using the printed values, it would appear that the report was wrong. When this situation occurs, a new column beside the unit cost column (titled "R" for Rounding) will include a Y, indicating that rounding has been applied to the unit cost. Also, since the new inventory value is based on the actual sum of the serial/lot records, if the serial/lot quantities are not in balance with the warehouse on-hand quantities, the math will also appear to be incorrect, as an Item Balancing Register (ICR795) should be run to bring the warehouse quantities into balance (e.g. if in the above example, the warehouse on-hand quantity was 2900 instead of 3000). When this situation occurs, a new column beside the on-hand column (titled "M" for mismatch) will include a Y indicating that there is a mismatch between the warehouse and the serial/lot records.

The report includes this information.

  • item number
  • selected cost
  • description
  • costing unit of measure
  • rank range information
  • extended cost
  • quantity on hand
  • item class totals
  • quantity on order
  • vendor totals
  • quantity back ordered
  • warehouse totals
  • stocking unit of measure
  • report totals
  • seasonality codes
  • total number of items

An asterisk (*) indicates the on hand and committed quantities are insufficient to meet the committed and back ordered requirements.

A Rank range can be set at the company level, alone, or, it can also be set at a warehouse level. When the rank is set at the company level, the rank information is displayed in the header of the report (and indicates what the type is, either ‘Percentage’ or ‘Hit Count’) and the range that makes up each of the 5 possible entries (A – E). When the warehouse level is set, the warehouse level rank over-rides the company level rank with its own rank values and type of hit count. The Warehouse Rank value only prints on the report when a rank range is specified at the warehouse level.

In the three formats, item and report totals and the total number of items listed are printed. If the print order selected is vendor, the report prints item class totals within vendor and vendor totals. If the print order selected is item class, the report prints vendor totals within item class and item class totals.

FACTS Report Formatter and Multiple Output options

This report has access to the FACTS Report Formatter and Multiple Output option. The Multiple Output option also allows you to print to more than one output for each instance of a report. For example, a report can print to Excel, the viewer, and to a printer all in one print run. To access the multiple output feature simply choose the Multiple option from the Print Options screen. The FACTS Report Formatter allows you to expand your reporting capabilities beyond defining a printer (in Printer F/M). For the Stock Status Report, you can select Template>Select from the menu bar to associate a system template with a custom layout to include bin location and weight. To access the FACTS Report Formatter, select Custom Report Layout> Customize Report from the menu bar.

To access this program, click Inventory Control>Reports & Prints >Stock Status Report.

Click field descriptions for information on each field.

See also

Selecting existing templates

Creating system templates

Editing the order, range and properties stored in templates

Setting printer properties in templates

Using print options in reports

Setting a default printer using templates topics

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Register formats and procedures

Reports and Prints Menu Options

Using reports