Contract Maintenance (SOE567)

Use Contract Maintenance to quickly add/copy/create/chain/delete/list/modify a contract or group of contracts. You may also save “Collections” of contracts, or manage/modify a collection of contracts. The term collection, from here forward, refers to contracts displayed in the list browser (whether one contract or many contracts is displayed).

In Contract Maintenance, you can use the available menu options to aggregate/compile/build a collection that you want to work with or modify in some way. Once you have assembled a collection (even if the collection has only one contract), you can save that collection and give it a name for later use, i.e. collections can be saved and retrieved. A saved collection is visible upon ‘look-up’ only to the user who created it.

Once a collection is saved, it can be modified using the menu options displayed under “Collection”, or, the individual contracts that make up the collection can be modified using the menu options displayed under “Contract”. Creating a saved collection is not required. You can use Contract Maintenance without ever saving that collection. Without saving a collection, the user can simply use the menu options each time they come into Contract Maintenance. Saved collections do not ‘update-automatically’ with contracts that have been added/changed since the date the collection was last saved – e.g. if you create a collection for “all contracts that have not yet been approved”, and save it, and then a week later open that collection, all the contracts since created in that week (that are not as yet reviewed) will have to be added/merged to that collection (through using the ‘Filter’ menu option or adding those contracts specifically through the collection menu option ‘Add Contract’).

In the list browser, the system displays the contracts comprising the collection and includes the following information: contract number, type, description, effective date, expiration date, chain from, chain to, approve, priority, customer, item, last Daily Sales Register, and Quote number, the contract was generated from. The Customer column displays ‘All’ if the ‘all customers’ check box is selected for the contract. If customers are listed, then up to 2 customers (separated by a comma) will be listed; if there are more than 2 customers then after the second customer will be “”. If there are no customers listed in the contract, instead the contract has only customer price classes, and then the display of two classes, as above, applies for customer price class listing in this column. If customers exist in the contract (even if only one) then no customer price class entries will display in this column, only customers. The Item column works identically to Customer column but for Items. First for items; if no items are listed in the contract then the display is for item price class; if no item price classes listed either, then the display is for primary vendors.

Click field descriptions for information on each field.

image\pinpurpl_shg.gifYou can delete expired contracts using the System Clean Up F/M (SMF993) program.

See also

Contract Maintenance Filter (SOE567)

Collection Export (SOE567)

Import Contracts (SOE567)

Quick Contract Add (SOE567)

Chain a Contract

Chain All Contracts