Use these fields to create the invoice processing control record.
1. Last Invoice # Used
This is maintained by the system and can be set to zero. Press Enter to initially default to 0.
2. Charge Tax
Indicate whether to N-not charge tax, Y-charge tax, L-charge tax by line or O-override tax by line and total. Press Enter to initially default to unselected.
3. Charge Freight
Indicate whether to charge freight. Press Enter to initially default to unselected.
4. Allow Discount
Indicate whether to allow invoice discount by %-percentage, $-dollars or N-not allow. Press Enter to initially default to %.
5. Enter Cost
Indicate whether cost is entered during Invoice Entry. Press Enter to initially default to unselected.
6. Post to SA
Indicate whether to post invoices to Sales Analysis. Press Enter to initially default to unselected.
7. Use Department
Indicate whether the department is entered during Invoice Entry. Press Enter to initially default to unselected.
8. Use Invoice Print
Indicate whether to use the invoice print. Press Enter to initially default to unselected. If you do not select this check box, skip to field #12.
9. Use Preprinted Form
If N was entered in field #8, this field is skipped. Indicate whether to use a pre-printed invoice form. Press Enter to initially default to unselected.
Indicate whether to print your company name, address and phone number on the pre-printed invoice form. Press Enter to initially default to unselected.
10. Use Cost Tearoff
If N was entered in field #8, this field is skipped. Indicate whether to print cost information on the tear-off section of the invoice. Press Enter to initially default to unselected.
11. Invoice Form Depth
If N was entered in field #8, this field is skipped. Specify the depth (number of lines) of the invoice form at 6 lines per inch (29-99) usually 42 (7-inch form and prints 15 line-items per form), 51 (8 1/2-inch form and prints 24 line-items per form), or 66 (11-inch form and prints 39 line-items per form). Press Enter to initially default to 66.
12. Invoice Standard Memo
Specify the standard memo to be printed on each invoice (up to 50 characters). During Invoice Entry, there is an opportunity to include this memo, delete it for a particular invoice, or type a new one for a particular invoice. Press Enter to initially default to Thank you for yourorder.