You are here: Accounts Receivable > AR File Maintenances > AR Infrequent File Maintenances > Statement Messages F/M (ARF970)

Statement Messages F/M (ARF970)

Use this program to create and maintain statement messages. You establish the messages to be printed on the statements depending on the aging information on each statement. The maximum number of lines entered in a message is determined in the Statement Print Control F/M. Therefore, prior to entering messages, the statement print control record must be set up.

These messages appear on the Statement Print program. The message that prints on each statement is determined by the oldest document on that statement. For example, assume you have five aging columns on your statement and the oldest document is in column 3. The message for break number 3 is printed.

For more information how to use maintenances, refer to these topics.

Using file maintenance programs

To access this program, click Accounts Receivable>File Maintenances>Infrequent File Maintenances>Statement Messages F/M.

Click field descriptions for information on each field.