You are here: General Ledger > Financial Reports Setup > Financial Report Setup (GLE330)

Financial Report Setup (GLE330)

Use the Financial Report Setup program to create custom GL financial reports — such as profit and loss statements or balance sheets — according to you company’s own specifications.

To create custom GL financial reports, you must create a record in the custom report file for every line to be printed on the GL report. Each report contains parameters that tell the report how to print. There are two steps to creating a custom report. The first step is creating the header record; the second step is creating each line.

To create a custom report, first enter general information about the report. For example, should the header be reprinted on every page? If the figure is a negative, should the minus sign appear before or after the figure or should the figure appear in parentheses?

Then enter each line, one by one, determining what each line type is and what should appear on each line. As each line type is determined, the corresponding set of fields appears on the screen.

To access this program, click General Ledger> Financial Reports Setup>Financial Report Setup.

Click field descriptions for information on each field.

Re-sequencing line numbers

As your company grows, you may need to expand the custom financial reports you have implemented. To do this you can re-sequence existing line numbers and add the spaces needed. To re-sequence line numbers to allow insertion of more  lines on an existing financial report, click Renumber. A dialog box is displayed where you can specify the Beginning Line, the New Line number and the Line Increment to use. To re-sequence all report lines, click All in the Beginning Line field.