Entering job header information

The freight and tax amounts that appear in the header reflect the amounts that the customer has been billed to date. The Job Cost Invoice Register updates this information.

1. Click Job Cost>Job Cost Entry>Job Entry (JCE210).

2. Specify the job number (up to 8 characters).

3. In the Estimate # To Import, specify the estimate number. A valid estimate number is converted to a job number.

TIP: Pulling over an estimate in Estimate Entry (JCE110) does not affect the new estimate header values; however pulling over an estimate in Job Entry does affect the job header values.

4. (Optional) In the Hold field, specify N or Y to indicate whether this job is on hold. This field is initially skipped for new records.

5. Specify the customer number. A credit check is performed.
(Optional) You can press S to display the Show Address window to view header address information for the customer.

6. Specify the name of this job (up to 30 characters).

7.(Optional) Specify the job memo to print on the invoice.

8. Specify the ship-to number for the selected customer.

9. Specify the manager code for this job.

10. Specify the salesperson/territory code for this customer.

11. In the Salesperson Commission Percent field, specify the percentage amount (0-99.99) that is to be used to calculate the commission for the job.

12. Specify the payment terms code.

13. Specify the GL department number. (The length of the field is user-defined in the Company Control F/M.) If the dept position flag in the company control record is 0 or if the insert dept flag in the JC to GL Posting F/M is N for all entries, this field does not appear.

14. Specify a ship via code.

15.Specify whether the freight code is P-prepaid, or C-collect.

16. Specify the tax code for this ship-to customer. Through the charge tax flag in the job cost static control record you establish whether tax is to be charged. If this flag is set to N, no tax is charged and this field is skipped. This field is also skipped if the estimate amount is zero.

17. In the Tax Rate field, specify H-to use of the high rate, L-to use the low rate, or X-to change tax status of this document to exempt.

18. In the Consolidate Overhead and Burden field, specify Y or N to indicate whether the overhead and burden costs should be allowed to post once for all transactions, instead of once for each transaction. If Y is entered all the overhead transactions can be collapsed into one transaction and/or all burden transactions can be collapsed into transaction by running the Overhead/Burden Consolidation Register. If you are using overhead and/or burden, the system automatically creates an overhead and /or burden transaction for every cost posted during the Posting Register. This field is initially skipped and the flag set to N, if the cost code overhead and cost code burden fields are both set to "" (NOT USED) in the job cost static control record.

19. In the History field, specify Y or N to indicate whether to store job history after the job is completed. If Y is selected, the system stores the history of this job in the past jobs file (written to this file during the Job Completion and Removal update). If N is selected, this job cannot be displayed in the Past Job Inquiry after completed.

20. In the Cost on invoice? Field, specify N or Y to indicate whether to print the cost on the job cost invoice. If Y is entered the cost of the job (before markup method was used) prints on the invoice sent to the customer. This is helpful if the billing type is C-cost plus. Press Enter (CR) to default to N.

21. Specify the reference number (up to 30 characters). Press Enter (CR) to default to the displayed value (initially blanks). If the PO required flag in the customer file is set to Y, you must enter the customer's PO number here.

22. This concludes the header portion of the Job Entry program. After the header record is created, all header fields except Warehouse, Ship-To Number, Customer, Estimate # To Import, and Job Number are accessible through the change header routine—the fields listed can only be changed by deleting and reentering the job. Refer to the Entering job details procedure for step-by-step instructions on adding contract and billing information, estimated start and finish dates, as well as revised finish date, actual start date, and percent complete information.