SO Static Use Features tab

Field descriptions

Use these fields to enter information in the SO Static Control Use Features tab.

1.  Job Cost

Enter whether to N-not use job cost at all, Y-use and post to job cost, or P-enter the job cost number in all sales order entry programs to print on the invoice but do not enter job cost detail information or post to job cost. Press Enter to initially default to N.

2. Contract Pricing

Indicate whether contract pricing is allowed in the sales order entry programs. Press Enter to initially default to unselected and contract prices are eliminated. If Y is entered, the Contract Price F/M may be used.

3.  PD (Period) Sales Register

Indicate whether the Period Sales Register is used. If Y is entered, the Period Sales Register is available. It N is entered the Period Register File is not used and the Period Sales Register is not available. Press Enter to initially default to unselected.

4. Invoice History

Indicate whether invoice history is stored. If N is entered, the Invoice History File is not used and past invoice inquiry is not available. If Y is entered, the Invoice History File is active and inquiry into invoice history is available. Press Enter to initially default to unselected.

5.  Past Sales

Indicate whether to store past sales history for each customer by item and past sales tracking is used. If Y is entered, the Past Sales File is active. The Daily Sales Register updates the file; the file is used when inquiring by past sales in the Customer Inquiry, the past sales search by item in the line item portion of the sales orders entry programs, the Past Sales F/M, and the System Clean Up F/M (SMF993) (see Past Sales F/M). If N is entered, the customer/item sales history is not stored. Press Enter to initially default to unselected.

6.  Lost Sales

Indicate if lost sales tracking is used. Lost sales are calculated in the Daily Sales Register by subtracting the committed amount from the ordered amount when there is no back-ordered amount and enough available to fill the order (see Lost Sales F/M). Press Enter to initially default to unselected.

Default Reason Code for Lost Sales
Specify the reason code to be used as the default when posting lost sales during Order Entry or when converting a quote to a sale.

7.  Record Lost Sales

Indicate whether the default action on the ‘delete’ screen for an order or a line is to record lost sales information. If the user does not have Lost Sales security then the option will not display on delete. If the option does not display but is set to Review in SOS then the default is Y (record the LS) 

8.  Line Discounts

Enter the type of line-item discounts allowed in the sales orders entry programs. Options are:

- percentage discounts may be entered.

- dollar discounts may be entered.

- no line-item discounts are allowed and the line-item discount field is skipped.

Enter - initially defaults to N.

9.   Invoice Discounts

Enter the type of invoice discount allowed in the ending routine of the sales orders entry programs. Options are:

- percentage discounts may be entered.

- dollar discounts may be entered.

- no invoice discount is allowed and the invoice discount field is skipped.

Enter -  initially defaults to N.

10.  Inside/2nd Slsp

Enter the type of salesperson/territory to use in addition to the salesperson assigned to the customer in the customer file in the header portion of the sales orders entry programs. Options are:

1  -  use an inside salesperson only. Optional entry of inside salesperson. Commissions are not affected (inside salesperson receives no commission).

2  -  use a second salesperson/territory. Optional entry of second salesperson/territory. Commissions are split at the rate field.

N  -  do not use an inside or a second salesperson/territory.

B  -  use both the inside salesperson and/or the second salesperson/territory. You has the option in the header portion of the sales orders entry programs to use either or both.

Enter - initially defaults to N.

11.  Remote Order Entry

Indicate whether or not you want to use the Remote Order Entry system. This feature gives your customers a way to dial in and place orders directly.

12.  Cash Drawer Handling

When set to Y, this flag enables the cash drawer handling system, which can be accessed from the Counter Sales menu under Invoices. If this flag is set to unselected, the system allows users to make cash-type payments without requiring them to sign on to a cash drawer first.

*13. Routes

Indicate if routing is used. If N is entered, the routing feature and its appearance in any of the sales orders programs is eliminated. If Y is entered, invoices may be printed by route number and the route must be released before the invoice appears on the Daily Sales Register. Press Enter to initially default to unselected.

14. Customer Creation

Indicate if customer creation is to be allowed, meaning that if a customer is not on file at the time of Quote Entry, Work Order Entry, Direct Invoice Entry, Counter Sales Entry or Credit Memo Entry the user may then enter the customer information without exiting the program. Press Enter to initially default to unselected.

15. Returns Tracking

Indicate whether to track returns from the sales orders System. If Y is selected the Daily Sales Register writes information to the Returns File. This information (item, description, warehouse, returns code, invoice number, etc., see Returns Report) can be printed by the Returns Report. If N is selected, the user still has to enter returns codes in the entry programs, as the system has to know whether the return is a return or allowance in order to update inventory quantities.

16. Multiple Warehouses

Indicate whether to have the ability to ship from a warehouse other than the initiating warehouse in Sales Order entry. Press Enter to default to unselected.

17. Order Booking

Enter the number of months (0-99) to store order booking data. Press F1 to enter Not Used as the default. Enter 99 to indicate to the system that you never want to delete order booking data.

18. Require Effective Date

Indicate whether to require effective dates on all quotes. Note: When processing quotes from Storefront to FACTS, this setting must remain unchecked.

18. Require Expiration Date

Indicate whether to require expiration dates on all quotes. Note: When processing quotes from Storefront to FACTS, this setting must remain unchecked.

19. Require Requested Date

Indicate whether to require request dates on all orders. 

20. Default Requested Date

Specify what the default requested date will be: B-Blank,A- ASAP (if allowed), O-Ordered Date. Note that if you specify B-Blank, the user will have to enter a requested date before saving the order.

21. Display Quotes

Specify whether to display active quotes during Order Entry and Counter Sale Entry. Press Enter to default to No-unselected.