Viewing account information

1. Click General Ledger>Inquiries>Account Inquiry.

 Press F2 to search for an account number.

TIP To enter the period from which you want to start viewing information.

Choose Options>Filter Views.

In the window or popup box, press F1 to enter the current period. Press F2 to enter the previous period. The information that displays in the view area starts from the period you entered and runs through the current and next period.

Select filters if you want to limit the number of records that display in the inquiry browser.

Use the up and down arrow keys or the Page Down and Page Up keys to scroll through the displayed list of GL numbers. You can also use the vertical scroll bar.

2. In the browser in the upper portion of the screen, the system displays the available accounts in the system. You can select a vendor by double clicking it in the browser. You can enter a specific account number in the Go To to locate a specific account number to use as the beginning display in the browser. The Go to field is case sensitive. This means that if you enter alpha or alpha-numeric codes to look up a record number, the system differentiates between V100 and v100 when searching for records. .

3. In the center section of a screen, click the view that contains the type of information you want to see for this specified vendor. You can select from:

Account Balance  Displays the ending account balances for each period.

Budget Balances Displays the budget balances for each period. Budgets display up to 1 year in advance (FP = Future period, CP = Current period, LP = Last period, PP = Prior period).

Journal Entries Displays journal entries including the period, journal number, entry number, entry date, amount and memo (the line-item’s memo is displayed, however, if there is no line-item memo, the header memo is displayed and indented two characters).

To view journal entry line details, highlight the journal entry line in the browser and click Line Detail.  The Journal Entries Line Detail Screen displays the GL account number and description, debit/credit amounts and memo, if any.

Using the Starts from

Specify the Journal number to start listing from in the browser.

Click Top to list from the first journal number on record.

Click Next to load additional items in the browser. (Administrators can define how many records load at one time to increase performance.)

In the Yearly Journal view, if the system doesn’t find a journal number for the period specified in the Filter Views window, the inquiry shows instead either journal numbers for the next available period or the next available journal number in the period specified.

Summary Activity Displays summary activity by period. The period is listed first, followed by its beginning balance, activity, ending balance, budget and budget %.

Yearly Journals Displays the yearly journals (history) including period, journal number, entry number, entry date, amount, and journal memo.

To view yearly journal entry line details, highlight the journal entry line in the browser and click Line Detail. The Yearly Journal Entries Line Detail Screen displays the GL account number and description, debit/credit amounts and memo, if any.

4. Click Done.