Item Inquiry (ICI610)—Timeline View

How to

Use the Timeline view to display the expected changes in an item's balance in a warehouse. The Timeline corresponds to the four existing time line alerts: Purchase Orders too late for demand, Transfers too late for demand and Purchase Orders too early for demand, Transfer too early for demand. The parameters for these four alerts are set in the Replenishment Parameter F/M program parameter, "Alert on Product Arriving Too Early / Too Late". The Timeline view is available even if this parameter is not setup. Note: This view does not reflect seasonal changes in usage, so it should not be relied upon for projected shortfalls or overstocks for seasonal items.

The Timeline view is available these programs:

The Timeline view begins with the current available quantity in the warehouse, and assumes that average daily usage is constant. The time line already includes all committed quantities in the beginning balance; normal sales orders are not displayed, as they are already accounted for. Back orders that are not flagged as exceptional sales are assumed to be accounted for in the daily usage values. All special orders and direct ships are skipped since they are not relevant to the time line.

Back ordered lines that are flagged as exceptional sales are not represented in either the beginning balance or in the daily usage and will be displayed on their requested ship date. Blanket sales order releases will be displayed if they would not be considered normal usage (i.e. they are exceptional sales or are shipping from an alternate warehouse).

Incoming documents include purchase orders, transfers in, manufacturing and formulation tickets listed on their expected dates.

The contents of the Timeline view include: Warehouse, Date (this is the expected date/promise date), Type, Document Number, Shipment #, Line #, Quantity and UM, Balance (this is the projected balance on that date), Days Supply (this is the balance divided by average daily usage, rounded down to the previous whole number of days), Message (crucial messages will be displayed in red; this message can include things like "Too Early", "Too Late", "Into Safety Stock", etc.), Safety Stock, Order Point, Line Point, and long- and short-term surplus points.

Check the Show Detail check box to limit what is displayed in the view. Un-checking Show Detail limits the view to only documents, excluding the beginning balance and the daily usage values.

Most document types support drilling down to the associated document inquiries.