Use these fields to maintain information on Remote Order Entry customers.
*1. Customer
Specify the customer number (up to 10 characters). Press F3 to default to the next record.
2. User Code
Specify the user code (up to three characters) to be used by the Remote Order Entry customer when accessing the FACTS System. Press Enter to default to NOT ON FILE.
3. Credit Check Action
Specify the credit check action to be performed when this customer does not pass the credit check. Options:
1 display message and continue
2 display message and reject
3 display message and place document on hold
4. Credit Check Message
Specify the credit check message to be displayed if the remote customer does not pass the credit check. Options:
1 display no message
2 display dollars over credit limit
3 display days over credit days allowed
4 display both dollars over credit limit and days over credit days allowed
5. Freight
Specify the freight code. Options:
P Prepaid
C Collect
B Bill later
6. Department
Specify the GL department (one character).
7. Change Ship Via
Indicate whether this remote customer should be allowed to change ship via information. Select the flag or specify Y to allow remote customers to change ship vias. Otherwise, deselect the box or specify N. Press Enter to default to Y.
8. OA Printer
Specify the printer that is to be used to print OA’s that have been entered by this Remote Order Entry customer. Press F1 to default to CANNOT PRINT. This feature is currently not in use.
9. Pick Ticket Printer
Specify the printer that is to be used to print pick tickets that have been entered by this Remote Order Entry customer. Press F1 to default to CANNOT PRINT.
10. Disable Login
Indicate whether or not you want to disable this user’s login rights. This enables you to deactivate quickly and temporarily a remote customer’s access to Remote Order Entry features. The flag defaults to N; however the system automatically selects this flag, or sets it to Y, if a remote user has more than 10 failed login attempts.
These fields let you indicate whether this customer is allowed to view certain information. The customer may only view, not change, this information.
1. Warehouse Quantities
Indicate whether to allow this remote customer to view warehouse quantities. Press Enter to default to Y.
Indicate whether to allow this remote customer to access the SO Customer Inquiry Pricing view. Note that this setting does not prevent the user from seeing the pricing received in the Inquiry programs. It is only intended to control to seeing the Pricing Inquiry.Press Enter to default to Y.
3. Order Inquiry
Indicate whether to allow this remote customer to access the following views from SO Customer Inquiry: Blanket Orders, MSDS, and Orders. This setting also controls access to Orders from within Remote Order Inquiry. Press Enter to default to Y.
4. Quote Inquiry
Indicate whether to allow this remote customer to access the Quotes view from SO Customer Inquiry. This setting also controls access to Quote Inquiry from within Remote Order Entry. Press Enter to default to Y.
5. Past Sales Inquiry
Indicate whether to allow this remote customer to access the Past Sales view from SO Customer Inquiry. This setting also controls access to Past Sales from within Remote Order Entry. . Press Enter to default to Y.
6. Past Invoice Inquiry
Indicate whether to allow this remote customer to access the Past Invoices view from SO Customer Inquiry. Press Enter to default to Y.
7. Customer/Document Notes
Indicate whether to allow this remote customer to access the Customer Notes view from SO Customer Inquiry and the Customer and Document notes in the Order, Past Invoice and Quotes views drilldowns. If Customer and Document notes are turned on in Remote Customer/User F/M then access to Notes Entry (as opposed to only Notes Viewing) is controlled with standard notes security. All entry and viewing of Item and Line notes in the drilldowns is controlled with standard notes security. . Press Enter to default to Y.
These fields let you view remote customer activity such as sales and sign on information. The customer may only view, not change, this information.
1. MTD Remote Sales
Displays this customer's month-to-date remote sales amount.
2. YTD Remote Sales
Displays this customer's year-to-date remote sales amount.
3. PRY Remote Sales
Displays this customer's prior-year remote sales amount.
4. Last OE Sign-On Date
Displays the last date that this customer signed on to Remote Order Entry.
5. Last OE Date
Display the last date the customer paced an order
For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.