Remote Order Entry screen references

1. F3 - Defaults

At any point during fields Request Date through Ship Via, you can select F3- defaults. Selecting F3 causes the program to display the defaults on file from that field forward and skip to the customer po Numberfield. If entering a new remote order and values for fields Request Date through Ship Via have not been entered, then the default values are the same as if you pressed Enter in the same fields. If you have entered values on the new order or elected to change or correct the header portion of an existing order, then the default values are the same as if you selected F1-to skip at each field. If the program does not skip to the customer po Numberfield and instead stops at an earlier field, the system could not find a valid default value for that field, and you must specify a valid value before continuing.

2. Item Number

Specify an item number (either one of yours that has been set up in the Remote Customer Item F/M or a system item number). The system automatically pads the item number to the correct length. If the item number is not valid, the system checks to see if it is an interchange and if so, automatically retrieves the valid item number and set its defaults. If the item is not on file, the entry is refused.

3. Memo

Specify M to specify a memo line. The program prints M under the item number column and proceeds to the description column where you can specify a memo (up to 30 characters). Any entry is accepted as a memo. Press Enter to initially default to blanks. This memo will print on the document.

4. Item Search

This displays at the bottom of the screen, a number of items at a time. Specify an alphabetic look-up to search. The screen displays the alpha sort key, item number, description, stocking unit of measure, item class and primary vendor. You also have these options:

#—Specify a line number to select or use the arrow keys to highlight and press Enter to select a line.

F1Change to an alternate look-up option

 Specify an option or use the arrow keys to highlight an option and press Enter to select. Options available:

NSearch by item number
An item may be searched even if the whole item number is not known. For example, to search through all items that start with a "1" (e.g. item numbers 10, 100, etc.), specify "1" at the selection prompt and all item numbers beginning with "1" will display. If there are no items beginning with a "1," nothing is displayed. Specify a line number to select or use the arrow keys to highlight and press Enter to select.

KSearch by keyword
Select an item class to search (Enter defaults to all), then specify a keyword of up to 10 characters. All items containing those characters in the item description and belonging to the selected item class will display. You can then specify a line number to select or specify another keyword to search.

ISearch by item interchange
Enter search characters for the item interchange (up to 20 characters) to display.

CSearch catalog items
Enter an alphabetic look-up to search. The screen displays the alpha sort key, item number, description, stocking unit of measure, item class and primary vendor. You also have these options:

F1Search by catalog item number
See option N above under F1

F2Search by keyword
See option K above under F1

F3Search by vendor
Enter the primary vendor number for the catalog item for which you are searching. This search option works just like the regular catalog item number search option except that you will only be able to search for items from the selected vendor. To change vendors, press F3 again.

F2—Search by keyword. Select an item class to search (Press Enter to default to all.), then specify a keyword of up to 10 characters. All items containing those characters in the item description and belonging to the selected item class will display.

F3—Search by item interchange. Specify search characters for the item interchange (up to 20 characters) to display.

In all item searches, you select the line number of one of the items displayed. This feature is useful in finding the item number when only a description may be known.

5. Order Quantity

If multiple units of measure for selling are set up for this item, you can press F2 to change the unit of measure. The Item/Unit of Measure Search pop-up window displays each unit of measure for selling that is defined for this item, along with the weight, number of smallest units of measure in this unit of measure, whether valid for pricing and/or selling, and whether the UM is the default for pricing and/or selling. Press F3 to change the shipping warehouse if multiple warehouses are being used.

If the quantity entered in the order quantity is more than what is available, an error message displays. Press Enter to accept the quantity anyway (if over committed quantities are allowed). Doing this will commit the available and back order the rest. Press F2 to access the warehouse search (if allowed) to change the shipping warehouse (if multiple warehouses on an order are being used).

6. Enter Line # To List

A limited number of line-items appear on the screen at any one time. The list function allows line-items to be redisplayed. Select the beginning line number to list.

7. Select Highlighted Line

Use the arrow keys to navigate and select a line. Press Enter to select that line. The following user prompt displays: Change or delete line? Specify C to change the selected line or D to delete the selected line (Press Enter to default to C).

If you specify C, the program proceeds to the line-item information where you can change any information or press Enter through until the end of the line.

If you specify D, the line is deleted and returns to the Enter Ln # to list user prompt.

8. Change Header

You can change these fields in the header as necessary:

* Access to this option may be restricted.

During this change routine, press F1 to allow the currently displayed value of the field to remain the same. Press F4 to back up to the Warehouse and Ship-to fields.

9. Add A Line-Item

Line items may be added as needed.

10. Delete the Entire Order

The document may be deleted at any time. The header record and all line-item records are removed. The screen is then cleared and the program returns to the Order Document # field to await further entries.

11. UM - Change (Selling Um Selection Pop-Up Box)

Press F2 to specify a different selling UM (unit of measure) for this item.

Press F2 again to search multiple selling units of measure for this item. There are two ways you can search units of measure: single quantity and multiple quantity. A pop-up box displays for each. Press F2 again to toggle between the two modes.

Press F1 to display the Price/Unit of Measure Search Window. This window is for inquiry only. Displayed are the units of measure that are valid for pricing for this item and pricing information including the standard price, pricing levels, contract pricing and quantity breaks for the item. Use the arrow keys to highlight a unit of measure to display all information for that unit of measure. Press F4 to back up out of the window.

In these examples, your default unit of measure is EACH. There are 12 EACH in a DOZEN and 3 DOZEN in a CASE.

Single Quantity

Specify the quantity in any UM that is set up for this item and FACTS calculates what that quantity is for other units of measure. This allows you to specify the quantity in one UM and select it in another UM.

Example: You stock paint by EACH, but a customer just walked in and wants to buy 3 CASES. You want to specify the quantity, 3 CASES, instead of calculating how many EACHES are in 3 CASES.

When you press F2-CHANGE UM, the Selling UM Selection pop-up box displays. Notice that the item, item description, class, location, and vendor number display at the top of the box. The UM lines display the valid units of measure for this item, and the available, on hand, and on order quantities for this item. You can also select one of the display codes from the prompt line. The highlight bar is on the EACH line (because it is your default selling unit of measure).

Multiple Quantities

In Multiple Quantities mode, you can use more than one unit of measure to specify the quantity of an item.

Example: A customer wants to buy 5 cases and 3 cans of paint. Instead of calculating how many EACHES you just received, FACTS allows you to specify both CASE and EACH for the same item.

When you first see the pop-up box, it is in Single Quantity mode. Notice that the item, item description, class, location, vendor number, and total display at the top of the box. The UM lines display the valid units of measure for this item, and the available, on hand, and on order quantities for this item. Press F2-UM PROMPT and then press F2-ENTER MULTI QTYS to toggle to Multiple Quantity mode.

Other Options

F1—UM INFO - to see additional information: displays the unit of measure and its description, the weight the of the unit of measure, the number of smallest units of measure in each separate unit of measure, and whether it is a valid unit of measure for stocking, pricing, selling, costing and buying, and whether this unit of measure is the default for each type.

F2—to toggle between Enter Single Quantity and Enter Multiple Quantities. Arrow Keys - to move the highlight bar up or down a line, or up or down a page. Display Codes - On the first Enter Single Quantity box, you can specify a display code to see the committed, on order, warehouse, quotes, notes, and past sales information for the item.