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Navigating FACTS

The FACTS menu system contains these components.

Below the header ribbon is the start-up menu location, the Main menu tab if the Allow Main Menu check box is checked, and an optional Primary menu tab if the Primary Menu prompt is specified on the Menu Setup tab of User Code F/M (SMF410).

Modules and drop-down menus are displayed on the main screen. The menu contains is drop-down modules on left side. The right side of the menu has drag and drop capability to place frequently used programs directly on the front of the main menu.

The panel and main screen enable you to open and close the FACTS module menu trees that contain sub menus for each module.

When you first log into FACTS, the navigation panel displays the master menu or, if your System Administrator created one, a customized start-up menu

Double click on a plus-sign (+) menu selection in the panel to see any available sub-menus. If the selection links to another menu, that sub-menu displays to the right in the main screen. However, if the menu selection links to a program (entry, file maintenance, report or inquiry), nothing is displayed in the main screen.

If you double click on a selection in the navigation panel, two things can happen:

If the selection links to a program, the program opens.

If the selection links to another menu, the menu is displayed in the navigation panel, taking the place of the previous menu. Depending on which selection is highlighted, another menu can appear in the main screen or the screen can remain blank.

Programs and sub-menus can be deleted from the Main menu by highlighting the program or submenu and pressing the Delete key. Those programs and submenus can be restored by right-clicking from the Main program menu and clicking Hidden Menu Items. On the Hidden Menu Items (SMS200) screen, highlight the lines containing the programs you want to restore to the Main menu and click Delete. At the message: Delete this line? Specify Yes and click OK. The program or submenu will be removed from the Hidden menu and returned to the Main menu.

Use the Access prompt to specify a module code or program code to display the module menu dialog box or program. For example, if you specify SME, the System Management End of Period menu dialog is displayed.