1. Access this program by choosing Accounts Payable-->Document Entry-->Document Adjustment Entry.
2. In the Period field, enter the period (PPYY) to which the general ledger distribution should be posted. Press Enter (CR) or the
icon to default to the current accounts payable period.
3. In the Vendor field, enter the vendor number for the requested document. Press or F2 to search. Press the
icon or F3 to perform a document search, (i.e., adjustments entered into the document entry file, but not yet updated to the open documents file).
4. In the Document field, enter the document number for the adjustment. The number must be on file for this vendor in the open documents file.
If another adjustment was previously made, and not yet updated, the adjustment is displayed, and the program proceeds to the Prompt-selection field.
When you enter a valid document number, the system displays the PO number, general ledger posting table, document group, branch, original amount and current amount. If the document is on hold, the system displays a message to this effect and you must press Enter (CR) to return to the field. Press or F2 to perform a search of open documents for the displayed vendor.
5. Enter the amount of the adjustment (+/-9999999.99). The original, current and adjusted amount of the document is displayed.
6. Enter the adjustment memo (up to 25 characters). This memo prints on the Document Entry & Adjustments Register.
This concludes the header portion of the Adjustment Entry program. After the header record is created, the adjustment amount and memo are accessible through the change header routine in the Prompt-selection field. Fields #1-3 can only be changed by adjusting the document to a zero balance and re-entering the document through the entry program with a different document number.
7. In the G/L# field, enter the GL expense account number to which this document will be distributed. If the entire amount of the document is not to be distributed to this account, enter other account numbers in subsequent line-items. The number entered must be a valid GL number. If the GL posting table for this document has preset expense accounts, CR defaults to the first GL account number in the GL posting table. Press F2 or the icon to view all GL numbers listed for the GL posting table assigned to this document and their descriptions.
If this entry needs to post to Job Cost, press
to enter the job number and refer to the Job Posting Entry topic for field descriptions.
8. In the Amount field, enter the amount to be distributed to this general ledger number (+/-9999999.99). You cannot enter zero amounts. Press Enter (CR) or the
icon to default to the adjustment amount not yet distributed. You cannot access the ending routine until the entire adjustment amount is distributed.
Press Enter (CR) to accept the line.
9. This concludes the line-item portion of the Document Adjustment Entry program. Press F3 or the
icon to end line-item entry, and the program advances to the Prompt-selection field that allows the user to perform a number of functions:
- Changes the highlighted line-item
- Adds a line-item
- Deletes the document
Inserts a line item above the highlighted line in the browser.
10. When you have completed your changes to the document, press F3 or the Done button. The system returns you to Vendor field so you can specify a vendor and enter additional AP documents in the displayed period. You can enter a vendor code, press F4 to back up to the Period field and modify the period, or press Done or F3 to exit the program.