Use the Cash Requirements Report program to obtain a report showing cash requirements for invoice payments for specified time periods.
You have the option to:
If you print the report based on discount due date, the report will deduct the allowable discount from the invoice.
Report information includes:
The report includes totals for each vendor and time period. Report totals are also included for each time period and all vendors listed. The total number of vendors listed is also included.
Unform Archiving
The Cash Requirements Report can archive information to Unform. The document ID is automatically generated as a sequential number and all copies are printed to the Unform Archive.
Access this program by choosing Accounts Payable-->Reports & Prints-->Cash Requirements Report..
1. Order
Select the order in which to print the report. Order options are vendor, alpha, or vendor class.
2. Beginning order choice
Select the beginning order choice to print. Press F1 or
to default to FIRST. Press to F2 search for vendors and vendor classes.
3. Ending order choice
Select the ending order choice to print. Press F1 or
to default to LAST. Press F2 or
to search for vendors and vendor classes.
4. Branch
Enter the branch. The entry must be a valid branch. The program defaults to the branch assigned to the terminal. Press F1 or
to default to ALL. Press F2 or
to search.
5. Document group
Enter up to 10 two-character document groups side by side to print. Press F1 or
to default to ALL. Note that you may also select "Documents that have no document group" for this option. Document groups are established in Vendor F/M on the Miscellaneous tab.
6. Due/Discount
Enter whether documents should be grouped based on DUe date or DIscount date. The program defaults to DU.
7. Holds
Indicate whether to include documents on hold. The program defaults to selected.
8. Scope
Enter whether to print the report in Summary or Detail form. The program defaults to Summary.
9. Status
Enter whether to print Active, Inactive vendors. Press Enter (CR) or
for all vendors. The program defaults to ALL.
10. Groupings
Enter the number of date groupings to print (2 to 6). The program defaults to 6.
11. Auto increment
Enter the number of days to be used for automatic date increments (0-99). The program defaults to the value stored in the AP Static Control F/M. Press F1 or
to manually type in all ending dates of time groupings. Most common values are 14 or 30 days.
12. Dates
Enter the ending date for the first date grouping. Select
or F1 to default to the system date. If automatic increments are to be used, the next groups calculate automatically. If automatic increments are not used, enter each group ending date up to the number of groups selected.