Use the Purchase History Report program to obtain a purchase history for all vendors.
You have the option to:
Report information includes the following: vendor number, vendor name, date opened, last purchase date. The year-to-date and prior year information include purchases, payments and discounts. Report totals are also included for year-to-date and prior year and the total number of vendors listed.
Access this program by choosing Accounts Payable-->Reports & Prints-->Purchase History Report.
1. Order
Select the order in which to print the report. Options are vendor, alpha or vendor class.
2. Beginning order choice
Select the beginning order choice to print. Press F1 or
to default to FIRST. Press F2 or
to search for vendors and vendor classes.
3. Ending order choice
Select the ending order choice to print. Press F1 or
to default to LAST. Press F2 or
to search for vendors and vendor classes.
4. Document groups
Enter up to 10 two-character document groups side by side to print. Press F1 or
to default to ALL. Document groups are established in Vendor F/M on the Miscellaneous tab.
5. Cutoff
Enter whether there is No cutoff or to exclude vendors Above or Below cutoff. The program defaults to unselected and skips to the Amount field.
6. Figures
If you entered N for the cutoff, the system skips this field. Otherwise, enter whether to use the Month-to-date, Year-to-date or Prior year for the cutoff. Press Enter (CR) to default to M.
7. Amount
If you entered N for the Cutoff field, this program skips this field. Otherwise, enter the (MTD, YTD or PYR as chosen in the Figures field) amount below or above (as chosen in the Cutoff field) which vendors will not print. For example, if B was selected for cutoff and M was selected for figures, enter the MTD purchases below which vendors will not print; i.e., if 100 is entered, no vendors with a MTD purchase figure of below 100 will print on the report.