Use the Rolodex Vendor Card Print program to print vendor Rolodex cards from the information stored in the vendor file.
You have the option to:
Rolodex card information includes the following: vendor number, name, address, phone number, contact #1 and #2 and vendor class code. For information on the size of the forms, please see the forms section in the installation manual.
Ü To print an alignment, select Print Options-->Print Alignment from the menu bar.
Access this program by choosing Accounts Payable-->Reports & Prints-->Rolodex Vendor Card Print.
1. Order
Select the order in which to print Rolodex cards. Options are vendor, alpha or vendor class.
2. Beginning order choice
Enter the beginning order choice to print. Press F1 or
to default to FIRST. Press F2 or
to search for vendors and vendor classes.
3. Ending order choice
Enter the ending order choice to print. Press F1 or
to default to LAST. Press F2 or
to search for vendors and vendor classes.
4. Alpha sort
If the order choice was vendor or vendor class order, indicate whether to sort vendors alphabetically within the print order. If you select Alpha order, the program skips this output. The program defaults to unselected.
5. # of cards
Enter the number of cards to print for each customer (1 to 99). The program defaults to 1.
6. Status
Enter whether to print Active, Inactive, or press Enter (CR)-all vendors. The program defaults to ALL.