The Default Tax Code Entry program is designed for two purposes: 1) to help the distributor manage which customers get which tax code; and 2) to allow the B2C order in eStorefront (where we only know the ship-to address) to be properly taxed. (B2C functionality will be available in the GA Release of the eStorefront integration to FACTS).
To that end, this program allows the distributor to setup each State, and first indicate whether or not they should charge tax for orders delivered in that state. Typically, if a distributor has a business presence in a state, they must charge tax on orders delivered to that state.
To better refine the default, the distributor can then setup full or partial Zip Codes within that state and indicate the Tax code to be used for customers with addresses in that Zip Code. Partial zip codes may be entered. For example, for Georgia, the distributor could enter a zip code of "303" and assign a default tax code. They could then enter a zip code of 30302 and enter a different default tax code. A customer in zip code 30311 would get the tax code assigned to "303" whereas customers in zip code 30302 would get the more specific tax code for that zip code.
The defaults setup in Default Tax Code Entry will not override actual tax codes entered in Customer F/M, Ship-To F/M, or Temporary Ship-To Entry in Order Entry. But each of those programs has visibility of what the default is.
In order to facilitate rapid setup of the Default Tax Code data, there is a menu option "Tools/Populate". Selecting this option will read through the existing data in Customer F/M and Ship-To F/M and establish the defaults from the known Tax Codes. During the Populate function, customers and ship-tos that are tax exempt will be skipped, so the defaults are only populated with tax codes from customers and ship-tos that are actually charged tax.
Also provided are additional menu options, "Tools/Customer Conflicts" and "Tools/Ship-To Conflicts" to help the distributor identify existing Tax Codes in Customer F/M and Ship-to F/M that do not match the defaults. The user will be able to go directly to Customer F/M or Ship-To F/M in order to make any necessary changes. Conflicts do not have to be resolved, and may in fact be appropriate. This is simply a tool to help the distributor analyze their tax codes and how they are assigned to customers and ship-tos.
1. State
Enter the (2-digit) company code. Press
to search or
to access an existing state code.
2. Charge Tax
Indicate whether you charge tax in this state.
Enter the state tax code to use as the default. Press
to search or
to access an existing tax code.
4. Zip Code
The full or partial zip code to associate with a default tax code. To refine the default you can setup full or partial Zip Codes within the state entered.
5. Tax Code
The Tax code to be used as the default for customers with addresses in that Zip Code. Press
to search or
to access an existing tax code.
You can select from the following functions.
Select the
icon to make changes for the zip code/tax code association.
Select the
icon to add a new record.
Select the
icon to delete the entire highlighted zip code/tax code record.
Select the
button to add a line item above the highlighted item in the browser.
Press the
icon to save your changes (when editing a line).
Press the Header button to modify the State, Charge Tax or Default Sate Tax Code information.