Use the Check Payment History Report to print accounts receivable document information by check number for the specified customers. The report includes document status, original amount, document date, transaction date, and the payment, discount, and adjustment receipt register amounts.
Access this program by choosing Accounts Receivable-->Reports & Prints-->Check Payment History Report.
1. Enter the customer number for the check payment history. Press F2 or the
icon to search. Press F1 or
the icon to default to ALL.
2. Select the print Order. You can select from C-check number or D-check date order.
3. Enter the first check number or date that you want to appear on the listing. Press Enter (CR) or the
icon to default to FIRST.
4. Select the last check number or date that you want to appear on the listing. Press Enter (CR) or the
icon to default to LAST.
5. Press Enter (CR) to run the report.