Use this program to select specific invoices for payment by vendor.
Invoices can be selected for payment after you printed a batch of checks but before you update the Check Register. Keep in mind that you cannot select documents that have been put on hold. (Use the Hold Selection program to take documents off of hold status.)
You can use this program when you want to select or deselect certain invoices that were not picked up by the Payment Selection by Date program.
You can also use this program if you want to make a partial payment on an invoice or override a discount amount. This program displays the total discount and payment amount for each vendor.
Individual Payment Selection only determines which documents will be paid the next time you print checks. Documents are not updated until you print and update checks in the Check Register.
As you are selecting invoices to be paid, the payment types will be set based on the vendor’s default payment type. The payment type will be based on the vendor’s default payment type, but if the default type is ACH and no pre-notification is approved, the payment type will be set to paper check.
Use the Payment Selection List to print a report of all invoices selected for payment in this program and the Payment Selection by Date program.
Access this program by choosing Accounts Payable-->Payment & Hold Selection-->Individual Payment Selection.
1. Branch
The system displays the branch for the user as the default. You can press
to advance to the next branch. Press F2 or
to search for branches or
to select payments for all branch
2. Discount cutoff date
Enter the date on or before discounts will automatically be taken. Press Enter (CR) or
to default to the current date. The user may always override the discount.
3. Vendor number
Enter the vendor number for selection. Press Enter (CR) to default to the first vendor on file. You can press
to advance to the next vendor. Press F2 or
to search for vendors.
Filters: The hypertext link, “Filters…”, on the top portion of the main screen allows you to set filters to limit what is shown in the browser area of the screen.
In the Select For Payment dialog, select the Check, ACH, or Wire Transfer checkboxes to display the documents to be paid by each. In the Currently Paid section, FACTS indicates which payment types are currently displayed for payment-- Check, ACH, or Wire Transfer.
Options allow you to only see invoices flagged for payment, only invoices flagged for payment of a specific type, invoices previously printed or submitted or all invoices. For vendors who do not accept electronic payments, this link will be disabled/removed and the not selected and check filters will automatically be set to “yes”.
The system displays open documents for the selected vendor in the browser in the lower portion of the screen. You can select from the following pay all documents, delete payment for all documents, individually select or deselect documents to pay, continue listing documents, bring up the next vendor or backup.
You can select from the following to perform the listed functions:
- Changes a line-item payment or discount information. Enter the Payment Amount or select
to enter the current amount as the payment amount. Enter the Discount Amount as needed. Press
to access the calculator to determine the discount.
- Deletes line-items
- Stops line-item entry
- Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the vendor notes for the highlighted in document in the line item browser.
Pay All Pays all documents for this vendor that have not been previously placed on hold or paid will be selected for payment. The discounts (where applicable) will be taken if the discount due date is after the discount cutoff date entered. Each payment amount and discount amount is displayed. The totals are displayed in the header portion of the screen.
Delete All Deletes all documents for this vendor previously selected for payment will be unselected.
Pay Pays the highlighted document in the browser.
Payment Type--For vendors who accept electronic payments, this function displays the Select for Payment dialog box that allows individual invoices to be changed between electronic payment and paper check. Select the Payment Type. You can select between: C-Check, A-ACH (only available if a pre-notification has been approved), W--Wire Transfer (always available if vendor is set up in Vendor EFT.
Done Ends Individual Payment Selection.
See Also