Electronic Payment Mapping (ARF966)

Use Electronic Payment Mapping to describe to FACTS how to interpret the content of an external payment file. This program allows you to define the type of external payment file and as necessary allows you to define map the fields used and their size, and the directory location of the external files.

Use the following fields to complete Electronic Payment Mapping:

Main View

1. Identifier Code

The code to identify the Electronic Payment Mapping file. (may be 10 characters)

2. Description

The description for this Electronic Payment Mapping file.

3. Map type

Indicate the map type for the file. You can select from the following formats:

NACHA standard CCD

NACHA standard CTX

comma delimited file

4. Payment Type

Indicate the map type for the file. You can select from the following payment types:




For comma-delimited map files only, complete the following additional fields in the Comma Delimited section of the screen.

5. Quoted Fields

Indicate whether the fields in the comma-delimited file are surrounded in quote marks.

6. Implied Decimals

Indicate whether the dollar amount fields use implied decimals.

7. # of Implied Decimals

If you selected the Implied Decimals checkbox, enter the number of implied decimals.

8. # of Header Records to Skip

Indicate the number of header records to skip when reading the file, if your file contains header records.

9. Use Record Identifiers

Indicate whether the comma-delimited file uses record identifiers for checks and invoices.

Note: A Record Identifier is a code in an external payment file that distinguishes one type of record from another. An example would be a payment record may have an identifier of “P” while a remittance record may have an identifier of “R”. Record identifier fields are available on the Check Record, Invoice Record and Batch Record views of Electronic Payment Mapping.

10. Record ID field #

Enter the number of the field in the Electronic Payment Mapping files that contains the Record ID.

Check Record View

1. Check Record Identifier

If this Electronic Payment Mapping file uses record identifier numbers, enter the check record identifier number.

2. For each of fields listed below enter the corresponding field number to identify the location of each field listed:

Customer Number Field #

Customer Name Field #

Check Amount Field #

Check Number Field #

ABA Routing Number #

Account Number Field #

Deposit Date Field #

3. Deposit Date Format

Enter the format used for deposit dates, such as MMDDYY, MM-DD-YY or MM/DD/YY.

Invoice Record View

Complete the Invoice Record view if the Electronic Payment Mapping file contains invoice records

1. Remittance/Invoice Record Identifier

If this Electronic Payment Mapping file uses record identifier numbers and contains invoice information, enter the remittance/invoice record identifier number.

2. For each of fields listed below enter the corresponding field number to identify the location of each field listed:

Invoice Number Field #

Customer Name Field #

Payment Amount Field #

Discount Amount Field #

PO/Reference Number #

Note: In some instances the customer’s PO number is sent with the remittance instead of the FACTS invoice number. This information may be entered in the same field. Because of this, the invoice number and PO/Reference number fields can have the same field number.

Batch Record View

1. Batch Summary Record ID

If this Electronic Payment Mapping file uses record identifier numbers, enter the Batch Summary record identifier number.

2. For each of fields listed below enter the corresponding field number to identify the location of each field listed:

Number of Checks Field #

Total Amount Field #