Use the Header Line Entry program to enter header line information in Report Setup F/M (GLF330). The system displays this screen when you select to create a header line in Report Setup F/M (GLF330).
1. Description 1
Enter the first description (up to 30 characters).
2. Description 2
Enter the second description (up to 30 characters).
3. Lines To Skip
From the drop-down list, select the number of lines to skip after printing the caption (0-9). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
4. % Of Base Line #
Enter the line number on the report that is used as the base line for percentage calculations. The figures on this line are considered the base line figures and any percentage calculations are a percentage of these figures. If you enter 0000 or click
, the system does not print the percentage of base in the column for this line on the report. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to the default % of base line in the header portion. Press F2 or
to search.
5. Reverse Sign
Indicate whether the sign of the figure is to be reversed (i.e., negative is made positive, positive is made negative). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected. An example of sign reversal is typically printing sales on a P&L report. Sale figures are usually a credit (-) value. However, users usually want sales to appear as a positive figure on the P&L, so the figure should be reversed.
6. to Total Group
From the drop-down list, select the total group to add the figure to (0-8). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0, and the figure is not added to any total group. A total group is an accumulation of figures from selected lines. For example, if you enter total group 1, the system adds the amount for this line to the amount (if any) already accumulated in that total group and is reflected when total group 1 is printed (total lines print total groups). The From and To Accounts (fields #7-8) are used if a range is used in the header.
7. From Account
Enter the first GL account number to be used in the header. Press F2 or
to search. Press F3 or
to skip range for header portion.
8. To Account
Enter the last GL account number to be used in the header. Press F2 or
to search.
9. Print on Report
Indicate whether to print the figures on the report. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
To add, edit, insert, or delete header lines in the browser you in the lower portion of the screen, you can select:
to add a header line or the
icon to add a line above the highlighted line in the browser. Select the
icon to end entries.
to make changes for the highlighted header line.
to delete a header line, highlight the line in the browser.
to end header line entry.
10. GL Account Number
Enter the GL account number if needed. Press F2 or
to search.
11. Action
From the drop-down list, select whether to A-add or S-subtract the figure from the header total. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to A. An example of subtracting from the total might be where you have selected to print a range of account numbers and perhaps one account within that list should not be included in the header total.
12. Basis
The Basis field is initially skipped and set to header range. To access and change the basis, press F4 or
. This field is used so you can insert the branch and department into the GL account number you entered in the GL Account number field (#10).
You can:
Enter either the company number for only the specific G/L#, (this would be used if the range was skipped and you want to print a specific G/L #), or
press Enter (CR) to default to the header range, i.e., insert the branch and department as determined by the range of accounts in the header portion, (see the first paragraph in the ACCOUNT fields), or
press F3 or
to insert the branch and department into the G account number based on the group code.