Use the Journal F/M program to create and maintain journal numbers and descriptions.
Journal numbers are used to separate journal entries into groups for audit trail purposes. All journal entries will ultimately be posted into the same file. However, journal numbers allow differentiation in the way they get posted to that file; the entries will go into different areas of the file. For example, when expensing accounts payable documents, the journal entry may go under the accounts payable journal or sales entries may go under the sales journal number.
Journal numbers and their descriptions are entirely user-definable. All journal entries must reference a valid journal number from this file.
Access this program by choosing General Ledger-->File Maintenances--> Infrequent File Maintenances-->Journal F/M.
New to enter a new record.
* Journal
Enter a journal code (up to 4 characters). Press F2 or
to search existing journals. Press F3 to or
display the first record for the selected journal number. Use the navigation button to scroll backwards
forwards through journal records, or
to the last journal record on file.
2. Description
Enter a journal description (up to 30 characters).
3. Last Entry Used
This field should be set to 0 initially. It is updated by the system when journal entries are made for this journal number. Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.
You can press:
Delete to remove to information in the record,
Save to save your changes,
Exit to return to the GL Maintenance menu.
For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.