1. Access this program by choosing Inventory Control -->Warehouse Transfers -->Shipment Confirmation.
2. In the Whse/Ticket field, enter the transfer ticket number. You can access the ticket by ticket number or warehouse. If accessing by warehouse enter the warehouse to display tickets for. You can these select the
icon to search for transfer tickets in the specified warehouse. Transfer tickets are displayed in summary so you can select the ticket to confirm. The summary screen displays the line number, ticket number, status of ticket (E-entered, P-printed or S-shipped), entry date, requested date, FROM warehouse, TO warehouse and reference.
3. (Optional) If the transfer ticket entered has not been printed, the system displays the message: Ticket not yet printed. Confirm anyway? If the ticket has not been printed, enter N or YES to indicate whether to confirm the ticket. The header portion of the transfer ticket is displayed.
4. In the Shipped Date field, enter the date the ticket was shipped. Press Enter (CR) to default to the system date.
5. At the Assume Shipment prompt, Assume shipment of committed. You can select from:
Y Assume shipment of all committed quantities
N Do not assume shipment, backorder all committed quantities
C Do not assume shipment, leave all lines committed
B Confirm shipment of committed line by line
The program automatically displays the line-items. If you select Options:
Y Assume shipment of all committed quantities, N Do not assume shipment, backorder all committed quantities, or C Do not assume shipment, leave all lines committed, the system completed the requested activity.
If you select B--Confirm shipment of committed line by line, the system displays a dialog box for the line where you can select the confirmation method. At the Confirmation method field select from
Y—Ship the committed quantity.
N—Do not ship, backorder the committed quantity.
C—Do not ship, leave the committed quantity.
S—Ship this line and remaining lines.
B—Backorder this line and remaining lines.
L—Leave this line and remaining lines committed.
6. The program automatically displays the line-items associated with the transfer ticket. If an item is a serial/lot item, the system displays the serial/lot item entry fields.
7. After the system displays the line-items, you can select from the following options:
-Inserts a line-item above the highlighted line item.
-Edit the highlighted line-item.
-Deletes the highlighted entry.
Header button-Accesses the Header Detail screen where you modify the header information.
Done button or F3-Accesses the ending routine.
Stop Conf button-Stops confirmation. Confirmation may be stopped prior to completion. If you stop confirmation, the system does not record changes to the transfer ticket.
-Adds line-items. Enter the item number and quantity to confirm.
You can press F2 to perform an item search or press F3 to end line item entry. If the item does not update inventory (as set by the IC Control flag), the following message will display: "This is an uninventoried item. Cannot Transfer. CR-Continue". If the item is inventoried, but does not exist in the specified warehouse, the following message will display: "Item must be in the ‘from’ warehouse. CR-Continue".
- Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the item highlighted in line item browser.
- Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the transfer header record specified in the program.
- Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the transfer line record highlighted in the line item browser.
If the item does not update inventory (as set by the IC Control flag), the following message will display: "This is an uninventoried item. Cannot Transfer. CR-Continue".
If the item is inventoried, but does not exist in the specified warehouse, the following message will display: "Item must be in the ‘from’ warehouse. CR-Continue".
You can press F2 to perform an item search or press F3 to end line item entry.
8. When you press Done, the ending routine concludes the confirmation of the transfer ticket. The system clears field information on the screen and the program returns to field #1.
9. You can enter additional shipment confirmations or press F4 or Done to exit.