Transfer Entry (ICE320)

How To

Use this program to enter and correct transfer tickets, which contain items to be transferred from one warehouse to another.

The Transfer Entry screen consists of two sections. The upper portion of the screen is called the header portion where the FROM and TO warehouses, request date, etc. are entered. The lower portion of the screen is called the line-item portion where items, quantity information, etc. are entered.

You have the option of changing, adding or removing line-items, or deleting the transfer ticket at any time. Deleted tickets are not simply removed from the file. You also have the ability to backorder warehouse transfer line items. This program provides a complete audit trail of all transfer ticket numbers used. When you add a new transfer, the program checks to ensure that the transfer ticket number being assigned does not already exist in the transfer history header file. A deleted ticket’s line-item records are removed and the header record status is changed to deleted. The transfer ticket appears on the next Receiving Register as a deleted transfer ticket and is removed in the register update.

A number of additional features are available in the Transfer Entry program:

Transfer tickets are available for printing using the Transfer Ticket Print program. Shipments from the FROM warehouse are confirmed through the Shipment Confirmation. Shipments are then updated by the Shipment Register to then appear on the Transfer Status Report until receipts are confirmed by the TO warehouse in the Receipt Confirmation.

During processing, the system automatically displays urgent notes for transfer ticket headers, lines and items based on your settings on the Notes tab of Transfer Entry Options F/M. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from IC Transfer Entry Programs topic for additional details.

EWMS Processing Note

The Transfer Entry program checks to determine if the transfer you are going to change has been waved by Radio Beacon. If is has you will not be able to modify it, if it has not, the system sends a nuke record to Radio Beacon causing this transfer to be removed. The transfer then need to be reprinted in order to get it sent back down to Radio Beacon.

Access this program by choosing Inventory Control -->Warehouse Transfers -->Transfer Entry.

Use the following fields enter a transfer ticket:

1. Whse/Ticket

Enter the transfer ticket number (up to 5 characters). A T is assigned before the ticket number entered. Press Enter (CR) to assign the next number on file. The system displays NEXT as the ticket number until the header portion of the ticket is complete and then the actual ticket number is displayed.

Press F3 or the image\opendoc.gif icon to perform a ticket search. Enter whether to search by T-ticket or W-warehouse.

You can also assign a new specific ticker number to a transfer by selecting the menu option File-->New Document Number, then enter the ticket number. The entered ticket number cannot already exist in the transfer file (ICTRNH).


2. Enter the warehouse from which items are to be transferred. The entry must be a valid warehouse code. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press F2 or the image\find_shg.gif icon to perform a search for warehouses.


If the item does not update inventory (as set by the IC Control flag), the following message will display: "This is an uninventoried item. Cannot Transfer. CR-Continue".

If the item is inventoried, but does not exist in the specified warehouse, the following message will display: "Item must be in the ‘from’ warehouse. CR-Continue".


3. To Warehouse

Enter the warehouse to which items will be transferred. The entry must be a valid warehouse code. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

4. Entered

Enter the date the transfer is entered. Press Enter (CR) to default to the system date.

5. Request

Enter the date the items are requested for delivery. Press Enter (CR) to default to the system date. Press the image\asap4.gif icon to request the transfer as soon as possible.

6. Ship Via

Enter the method of shipment (up to 15 characters).

The ship via defaults to the new warehouse level ship via matrix as follows:

The Default will only get set when initially adding a transfer entry header. Press F1-Reset to Default to set the ship via back to the new warehouse level ship via matrix. If the default is blank, then this button will be disabled. Press F2-Search to search using from warehouse


7. Reference

Enter the reference number (up to 15 characters).

8. Suggested transfers on file. Do you want to import?

If there are no suggested transfers on file, this system skips this field. Enter Y or N to indicate whether the suggested orders on file should post to the transfer ticket being entered. If you enter Y, the system displays the Import Suggested Transfers dialog box. Refer to the Import Suggested Transfers topic for details.

This concludes the header portion of the Transfer Ticket Entry program. At this time the ticket number is automatically assigned (if NEXT was entered in field #1) and displayed. After the header record is created, all the header fields except #1-3 are accessible through the change header routine. Fields #1-3 can only be changed by deleting and reentering the ticket.

The line-item portion of the program allows entry of up to 999 line-items and memo lines to complete the ticket.

Line numbers are assigned automatically beginning with 001 and incrementing by one for each additional line-item up to 999. In the rare case where 999 line-items have been entered on a single ticket, the program advances to the prompt-selection field and refuses further entries.

9. Item Number

Enter the item number to be transferred. The system displays Descriptions 1 and 2. If the From warehouse is not the To warehouse’s normal restocking path, the system displays an indicator message. If this item has a normal stocking path direct from the vendor, the system displays an indicator message --press Enter (CR) to continue.

You can also create a special order by entering
S as the item number, pressing F1, or click the Special button. For special orders, complete the following:
1. Enter the sales order number containing the items to be transferred for this special order. The number entered must be a valid sales order number. Press
F2 or the Special Item Search button to perform a special item search, i.e., searching sales orders with special order items.
2. Enter the line number of the sales order that contains the item number to transfer. The number of units (per stocking unit of measure) is automatically entered under units from the number of units on order or backorder from the sales order and line number entered.

Sales Order Line Number Processing Details:

F3 to advance to the prompt-selection field.

F4 to remove the line and backs up to the previous line number.

10. Requested

Enter the number of units (per stocking unit of measure) to transfer. If you set up multiple units of measure on the Item F/M screen for the item entered, you can press F2 or the Change UM button to change the unit of measure. If available is less than requested, then the system displays a message with the option to continue or cancel.

11. New Unit of Measure (Optional)

If you press F2 or the image\chum2.gif (Change UM) button to change the unit of measure, the system displays the New UM prompt where you can enter the unit of measure for the transfer item. Press F2 to search units of measure. The UM must be valid for stocking - all quantities will be converted when the UM is changed

The system displays the optional Warehouse Quantities Window, which displays the "from" and "to" warehouse on hand, on order, committed, available, backordered quantities based on settings in IC Transfer Entry Options F/M (ICF978). When adding a line, the committed and backordered will be calculated based on the available quantity.

12. Committed Quantity

Enter the amount of inventory to commit. If the "Allow Over Commitment" flag in the IC Static Control file is set to "N", the committed plus shipped quantity cannot be greater than the available. When a line is being added or changed, the user will enter the requested quantity and then how much of that is committed and how much is backordered. When adding a line, the requested quantity must be greater than zero. When editing the line, the requested quantity can be changed to zero to indicate that no more shipments of this line will be taking place. The requested, committed and backordered quantities cannot be negative. The committed plus backordered quantities must add up to the requested quantity for the line to be saved.

13. Backordered Quantity

Enter the amount of inventory to backorder. If the item in inactive, it cannot be backordered and it cannot commit more than is available.

image\pinpurpl_shg.gif TIP: Changing the requested or committed quantity will refigure the backordered quantity. Changing the backordered quantity will not automatically change any other quantities.

This concludes an entry in the line-item portion of the Transfer Ticket Entry program. The running total of the number of units and weight is updated and displays in the header. The line number is incremented by one and the program returns to the item field for the next line-item entry. Press F3 or the End button to end line-item entry

You can select from the following to perform the listed functions:

image\edit.gif  - Changes a line-item

image\plus.gif  - Adds line-items

image\insert.gif  - Inserts line-items

image\Delete.gif  - Deletes line-items

image\stop.gif   Stops line-item entry

image\noteitemon_shg.gifAccesses Note Entry (SME710) for the item highlighted in line item browser.

image\noteheaderon_shg.gif - Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the transfer header record specified in the program.

image\notelineon_shg.gif - Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the transfer line record highlighted in the line item browser.

Header (button) - Changes header

Done     End the transfer entry


14. Print transfer ticket now?

Enter N or Y to indicate whether to print the ticket now. If N is entered the ticket is saved for batch printing and may be printed through the Transfer Ticket Print.

This concludes the ending routine of the Transfer Ticket Entry program. Upon completion, the screen is cleared of field information and the program returns to the ticket number field to await further entries.

Press F4 to end the program.

Transfer Entry Menu Options

The Transfer Entry menu bar contains the following options:


New document number Allows you to manually enter document numbers. Otherwise, the program automatically assigns them as you complete the header of each document.

Open Existing Doc Enables you to open and edit an existing document.

Delete Document Deletes the current document. The system deletes the line items and sets the header to deleted status. The document prints on the Daily Shipment Register as deleted, providing an audit trail of assigned document numbers.



Add line Adds a line item to the transfer

Insert line Enables you to insert a line item above the one selected in the item browser.

Delete line Deletes a line item from the transfer.



Committed Displays committed quantities for a selected item. Choose to view sales orders, warehouse transfers, manufacturing tickets and equipment rental contracts (for Service & Repair users).

On Order Displays any purchase orders, and for BOM items, any manufacturing tickets on file for the selected item. Enables you to view the quantities on order for this item.

Item Notes Displays any notes entered in IC Item Inquiry or Notes Entry SME710 for the selected item. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from Sales Order Programs topic for details.

Header Notes Displays any notes entered Notes Entry SME710 for the selected document.

Line Notes Displays any notes entered Notes Entry SME710 for the selected transfer line.

Warehouse Quantities Display Displays the on hand, on order, committed, available, backordered quantities and unit of measure for the To and From warehouses.



Header Detail Provides access to all the header fields available for this document type.

Import Suggested Transfers Accesses the Import Suggested Transfers screen, where you can import suggested transfers for the transfer ticket.


Go To

Transfer Entry A check mark appears to indicate this program is open.

Shipment Confirmation Opens the Shipment Confirmation program.

Receipt Confirmation Opens the Receipt Confirmation program.