Use this program to create and maintain records in the job stream file. A job stream file allows you to set up a series of reports to run automatically.
The Job Stream Entry screen consists of two sections. The upper portion of the screen is called the header portion where you enter general information such as job stream code, description and date last run. The lower section of the screen is called the line-item portion. This is where you enter each program that you want to run in the job stream as well as printing specifications, such as number of pages, number of copies, etc.
The entry program asks you the following questions about the programs you set to run:
Once you’ve answered these questions, proceed to the fields for each program.
Ü Job Stream incorporates Report Templates. When setting up a Job Stream for a report that supports templates, you first need to setup and save the template by going directly to the report. Then when you enter the report program in Job Stream Entry, the template selection window will be presented, and you select the appropriate template.
For reports that do not yet support templates, you will enter the Job Stream according to the existing procedures.
Ü Run the Job Stream Listing program to generate a list of entered job streams. Job streams are executed from the Job Stream Run program and results of those job streams are available by running the Job Stream Results Print program.
1. Job Stream
Enter an existing job stream code (up to 6 characters) or create a new one. For example, END may be the name of the job stream code you use to run the end-of-period reports. Press F2 or
to search.
2. Description
If you’re creating a new code, enter a description for it. The description can be up to 30 characters long. If you have selected an existing code, the description automatically displays.
After you complete the header section, the program will only allow you to modify the description. If you need to change the job stream code, delete and re-enter it.
Line numbers are assigned automatically beginning with 010 and incrementing by 10 for each additional line/program up to 990. In the rare case where 99 entries have been made, the program refuses further entries.
3. Program
Enter the program name. The entry must be a valid program in the program names file and the program must be compatible with the Job Stream system — that is, it must be a print, report or update program. Press F2 or
to search.
4. Template
From the drop-down list enter the template to use for report programs. The system displays the Report Templates for Job Stream Entry screen so you can select a template.
Error section: The following fields pertain the error processing for the job stream run.
4. Continue
In the Error section of the screen, indicate whether to continue with the rest of the job stream if an error occurs in this program during this job stream. Press Enter (CR) to default to unselected.
5. Run
In the Error section of the screen, indicate whether to run this program if an error occurs in a previous program of this job stream. Press Enter (CR) to unselected.
Printer section: The following fields are questions regarding the printer.
6. Printer
Enter the printer number to use (up to 999). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0 - LP.
7. Special Form
Indicate whether the program prints to a special form (this is a memo field). Press Enter (CR) to default to N.
8. Paper Width
Enter the paper width in inches (.1 to 99.9) (this is a memo field); it is used for reporting purposes only and does not control the program. Press Enter (CR) to default to 14 for standard green bar computer paper.
9. Paper Length
Enter the paper length in inches (.1 to 99.9) (this is a memo field); it is used for reporting purposes only and does not control the program. Press Enter (CR) to default to 11.
10. change Paper
Indicate whether you need to change the printer paper for this program. Press Enter (CR) to default to unselected. If you select this checkbox, the job stream will stop and wait for a RUN to begin the program after a paper change.
11. Number of parts
Enter the number of parts paper i.e. thickness, to run on (1-99)(this is a memo field); it is used for reporting purposes only and does not control the program. Press Enter (CR) to default to 1.
12. Number of copies
Enter the number of copies to print (1-99). CR defaults to 1.
13. Estimated # of pages
Enter the estimated number of pages needed to run this program (1-9999). This number helps you add up the estimated number of pages at the time the job stream is running (this is a memo field). Press Enter (CR) to default to
14. Optional update
If there is an optional update following this print, enter S-to skip the update, R-to run the update or O-for operator selection, i.e., the user must enter whether to update at the time when the program is running. Press Enter (CR) to default to S.
15. Press the Answer button to complete questions for the specified program.
Enter the fields for the program specified as you normally would.
Repeat these steps for each program you want to add to the job stream.
When you finish adding programs, press F3 or
to end entries. The following options can be accessed once you have created line items and ended entries.
You can select :
Change to change answers for questions for the specified program.
Move to move the highlighted Job Stream line to a different location in the job stream run. If you have ‘moved’ a line number to be 990 or greater – moving a line number is not restricted to increments of 10 – then you may not insert or add a new line; if over time you have created and deleted lines and have a last line number of 990 or greater and need to add or insert a line then first ‘move’ line 990 (and any earlier line numbers, if needed) to be less than 990 to continue.
The rest of the options affect the line-item entry section, rather than an individual line.
Adds a line program. Once you’ve finished making line entries, you may decide you want to add additional programs to the job stream. Enter A at the prompt. Press F2 or
tor search for a program name. Adding or inserting line numbers always affects line numbers in increments of 10 based, when ‘inserting’ on the line number highlighted, or, when ‘adding’ on the last line number displayed; when ‘moving’ line numbers values are entered as desired by the user.
Deletes the job stream line. The job stream line may be deleted at any time. All line program records are removed. The screen is then cleared and the program returns to the job stream code field to await further entries.
Inserts a line program. Inserting a line will increment all lines number by 10 following the inserted line – if the last line number is 990 or greater then the insertion of a new line (or ‘adding’ a new line) is not allowed.
Edits the highlighted job stream line Once you’ve finished making line entries, you may decide you want to add additional programs to the job stream. Enter A at the prompt. Press F2 or
to search for a program name.