Telephone Directory (OAR710)

Use this program to print a telephone directory using the information stored in the phone number file.

The personal directory only prints if the user is set up for OA (must be a valid employee) and has personal records entered through the Personal Phone Directory F/M.

Report information includes the following: alpha, name, address, phone(s), memo(s), contact(s) and ID. The total number of phone listings printed is also included.

The following fields are involved in printing the Telephone Directory:

1. Office/Personal

Enter whether to print O-office or P-personal directory. Enter (CR) defaults to O.

2. Beginning Alpha

Enter the beginning alpha to print (up to 10 characters). Enter (CR) defaults to FIRST.

3. Ending Alpha

Enter the ending alpha to print (up to 10 characters). Enter (CR) defaults to LAST.

4. Include

Enter whether to print C-contact, A-address, and/or I-ID information. Enter (CR) defaults to NONE.