This program allows the user of the FACTS system to enter exceptions to an employee’s pay cycle earnings information for the current payroll.
Employees are paid based on the information created by the Initialize Pay Cycle program. If a pay check should differ from the standard amount, an exception entry must be made. Exceptions to deductions are entered through the Deductions Exception Entry program. Exceptions to earnings are entered through the Earnings Exception Entry (this program).
These exceptions override the standard for the current payroll only. For example, if time is to be posted to sick or vacation time, an exception entry must be made for that time AND to reduce the number of regular hours worked.
The user may change earnings information in this program. To review the earnings entered, the user may run the Earnings List.
Once all exceptions (earnings and deductions) are entered, the Pre-Check Edit List program should be run to calculate check amounts and provide the user with a tool for reviewing prior to printing checks.
1. Pay Cycle
Enter the pay cycle of the employee for which an exception is to be made. The entry must be a valid pay cycle. Enter (CR) defaults to the first initialized pay cycle on file.
2. Employee
Enter the number of the employee for whom an exception is to be made. The employee entered must have an employee pay cycle data record for the pay cycle entered above. Enter (CR) initially defaults to the first employee on file in this pay cycle.
The current (initially standard) payroll hours and earnings are displayed on line numbers. The user has the option to:
# - Changes a line number
A - Adds a line number
D - Deletes all earnings for the employee for the pay cycle
L - Lists all earnings
N - Brings up next employee in the pay cycle
F3 - Exits the program
F4 - Backs up to enter a new employee to display
As lines are entered, deleted or changed, the total hours and earnings are calculated and displayed in the right header portion of the screen.
Enter the line number of the earnings to be changed. Enter whether to C-change the line or D-delete the line. Enter (CR) defaults to C. During the change routine, Enter (CR) allows the currently displayed value to remain the same.
Press A to add a line.
3. Date
Enter the earnings date. F3 ends entries. Enter (CR) defaults to the system date. The entry must fall within the acceptable range between payrolls (set in the Pay Cycle F/M).
4. Sequence Number
The sequence number is assigned automatically by the system.
5. Department
Enter the department earnings are to post to. The entry must be a valid department. Enter (CR) defaults to the employee’s standard department for this pay cycle. F2 allows a search.
6. TBL (Table)
Enter the GL posting table to use to post the earnings entered on this line. The entry must be a valid earnings GL posting table. F2 allows a search.
7. Earnings Code
Enter the type of earnings (regular, vacation, etc.). The entry must be a valid earnings code (as set up in the Earnings Code F/M) and must be valid for this pay cycle (as set up in the Pay Cycle F/M). F2 allows a search.
8. Hours
If the earnings code is not an hourly earnings code (set in the Earnings Code F/M), this field is skipped. Enter the number of hours worked for the earnings code (0-999.9999). If the number of hours entered exceeds the maximum hours entered for this employee and earnings code, a message is displayed as a warning. Enter (CR) to continue.
9. Rate
If the earnings code is not an hourly earnings code, this field is skipped. Enter the pay rate for the earnings code (0-999.9999). F2 defaults to the regular rate times (x) the earnings code multiplier (example overtime might be 1.5 times the rate) (set in the Earnings Code F/M).
10. Earnings
If the earnings code is an hourly earnings code, these earnings are automatically calculated, displayed, and this field is skipped. If the earnings code is not an hourly earnings code, enter the earnings amount (0-9999999.99).
11. Enter (CR)-Accept Line, J-Job #, F4-Backup.
If the use job cost flag is set to N in the static control record, this field is skipped. Press Enter (CR) to accept the line and bypass the job costing information. Enter J to enter Job Costing information. F4 backs up to the rate field (#9). If J is entered, fields #12-19 must be entered.
12. Job Number
Enter the valid job number to post this entry against. Entering a valid job number displays the job name, customer number and name, and billing type. Enter (CR) defaults to the job number assigned to the employee in the Employee F/M (if any). F2 allows a search.
13. Price Message
If the job is a fixed contract or time and materials contract, this field is skipped. If the job is a cost plus (+) contract or a no charge contract, a message is displayed indicating the price which must be billed for the job. Press Enter (CR) to continue.
14. Cost Code
Enter a valid cost code (up to four characters). Entering a valid cost code displays the cost code description and the cost type. The cost code sets the defaults for markup method (for all jobs that are not cost plus) and billing rate (for jobs that are fixed contracts or time and material). The cost code also determines whether the user is able to override the defaults. F2 allows a search.
The earnings entry determines the units, unit of measure and cost rate/extension.
15. Markup
This field is initially skipped and set to the markup assigned to the cost code. This may only be entered for jobs which are time and materials or fixed contracts and the Allow Override of Billing flag is set to Y in the cost code record. This may also be changed for no charge jobs but the bill rate is not affected.
Enter the markup method to use for this posting entry. The user has the following options:
# - Enter the markup amount (0-9999999.99). Entering a number tells the system to mark up the cost by a dollar amount. The system marks up the cost rate by the dollar amount and calculates the bill extension.
#+% - Enter the percentage (0-9999999.99%) to mark up the cost. To enter a percentage, the user must enter an amount and then the percentage sign. If no percentage sign is present, the system assumes the entered amount is a dollar amount. The system marks up the cost rate by the percentage amount and calculates the bill extension.
M - Enter the bill rate/extension manually. Entering M displays the word MANUAL and the program proceeds to the bill rate field (#16).
The fixed markup method is unavailable for selection, but can be used. To utilize the fixed method, select a cost code whose markup method is fixed.
Enter (CR) initially defaults to the markup method (amount/percentage) from the cost code record.
16. Bill Rate
This field is unavailable if the Allow Billing Override flag in the cost code record is set to N. This field is initially skipped unless the markup method of the cost code is manual. Enter the price per displayed unit of measure. The bill extension is calculated and displayed. Enter (CR) initially defaults to 0.
17. Memo
Enter the memo to post for this job cost transaction and to print on the job cost invoice (if applicable - see next field). Enter (CR) initially defaults to blanks.
18. Print memo on job cost invoice?
This field is initially skipped and set to N. Enter N or Y to indicate whether to print the memo (entered in the previous field) on the job cost invoice. The field may only be set to Y if the Billing Detail for the cost type (that the cost code is assigned to) is set to A for all transaction in the Job Entry program. Enter (CR) initially defaults to N.
19. Enter (CR)-Continue, F4-Backup
Press Enter (CR) to continue, accept the line and return to field #3.
Enter D to delete the record. All earnings records for the employee for this current pay cycle are deleted. Enter N or YES to delete. Enter (CR) defaults to N.
Enter L to list line-items. Enter the beginning date to list. Enter (CR) to continue.
Enter N to display the earnings for the next employee in the pay cycle displayed on the screen.
Press F3 to exit the program.
Press F4 to back up to field #2.