Initialize Pay Cycle (PRU110)

This program allows the user of the FACTS System to run the first program which starts the payroll process by pay cycle. This program creates the standard earnings and deductions (in two work files) for each employee set up in a pay cycle.

Each employee’s standard pay is determined by several factors including information in the employee pay cycle data file and information in the deduction balance file. The Initialize Pay Cycle program builds the hours and earnings/deductions entry file based on information in the employee pay cycle data and deduction balance files. Once this program has been run, a standard payroll has been created. Any changes to the standard payroll may be entered through the Deductions Exception or Earnings Exception Entry programs. A payroll is reviewed before checks are printed by running the Pre-Check Edit List. Pay cycles may be reinitialized up until checks are printed.

If records for the chosen pay cycle already exist in the payroll check file, i.e., checks have been printed, the program is inaccessible. In those cases, checks must be printed for the current information and the Check Register must be updated. When a pay cycle is reinitialized, all changes made to deductions through the Deductions Exception Entry program and all changes made to earnings through the Earnings Exception Entry program are lost. Each time a pay cycle is (re)initialized, only the standard earnings and deductions from the employee’s pay cycle file are created (in the two work files).

Use the following fields to use the Initialize Pay Cycle program:

1. Pay Cycle

Enter the pay cycle code to initialize (up to 2 characters). The entry must be a valid pay cycle. A message is displayed showing the last run date.

If the pay cycle has already been initialized, the prompt comes up to reinitialize?. Enter (CR) defaults to N. If reinitializing, any changes entered to a standard payroll are lost.

2. Period Ending Date

Enter the ending date of the time period for which employees are to be paid. The date is checked to be sure it falls within the acceptable range between periods (as determined in the pay cycle record). Enter (CR) defaults to the system date.