Manual Check Entry (PRE210)

Use Manual Check Entry to enter manual payroll checks that will not be printed by the system. When you enter a manual check, FACTS checks the Bank Transaction file to ensure the bank and check number combination does not exist.

A manual check is a payroll check that is handwritten or typed but not calculated and printed by the payroll system. The user must enter complete check information including check number, date, amount, department and hours, earnings, deductions, and taxes.

Manual check information appears on the next Check Register. Information from manual checks is posted to all applicable files during the optional Check Register update. Information about a manual check may be modified at any time prior to the Check Register update.

Use the following fields to enter a manual check:

1. Pay Cycle

Enter a pay cycle in which the employee belongs for this manual check. The entry must be a valid pay cycle. F2 allows a search.

2. Check Type

The check type is set to Manual by the system and is displayed.

3. Check Number

Enter the check number of the manual check (1-999999). If there is a manual check with this number in this pay cycle, all screen information is displayed.

4. Employee Number

Enter a valid employee number for this check.

5. Check Date

Enter the date the manual check was issued. This date must be in the current or next GL period and cannot be prior to the current PR period. Enter (CR) defaults to the system date.

6. Bank Code

Enter the ID code of the bank on which this check was written (2 characters). The entry must be a valid bank. Enter (CR) defaults to the bank assigned to the pay cycle. F2 allows a search.

7. Earnings GL Table

Enter the earnings GL posting table for this check. The entry must be a valid GL posting table. ENTER (CR) defaults to the employee’s standard earnings GL posting table. F2 allows a search.

8. Deductions GL Table

Enter the deductions GL posting table for this check. The entry must be a valid GL posting table. ENTER (CR) defaults to the employee’s standard deductions GL posting table. F2 allows a search.

9. Department

Enter the department in which the employee worked for this check. The entry must be a valid department. ENTER (CR) defaults to the employee’s standard department. F2 allows a search.

10-21. Hours

For each hourly earnings code, enter the number of hours worked (0-999.99). If an entry is made for hours, an earnings amount must be entered. ENTER (CR) initially defaults to 0.


For each earnings code, enter the amount earned (0-999999.99). ENTER (CR) defaults to 0 if no hours were entered. If hours were entered, an earnings amount is required.

Automatic calculation of deductions?

Enter N or Y to indicate if deductions should be calculated by the system according to the employee pay cycle record. ENTER (CR) defaults to N and the user must proceed to enter deductions. If Y is entered, all deductions are calculated and displayed.

22-37. Deductions

If automatic calculation is not selected, enter the amount of deductions (0-999999.99). ENTER (CR) initially defaults to 0. If the employer is to match the deduction (as set through the Deductions Code F/M), enter the employer matching amount (0-999999.99). ENTER (CR) initially defaults to 0.

Automatic recalculation of taxes based on deductions?

Enter N or Y to indicate if taxes should be calculated by the system according to the employee pay cycle record and appropriate tax files. ENTER (CR) defaults to N and the user must proceed to enter taxes. If Y is entered, taxes are calculated and displayed.

Check amount

The system calculates and displays the check amount based on the above information. This amount cannot be changed. Only earnings and deductions amounts may be changed.