This program allows the user of the FACTS system to print a list of all general ledger expense distributions created during the Check Register. The report is only available if the Use Period GL Distribution flag in the PR Static Control Record is set to Y. Although this report may be printed at any time, it should be printed at the end of each period and permanently filed as part of the end-of-period procedures. To prevent file overflow, the records should be removed once a month after the report is run.
The user has the option to:
Report information includes the following:
Summary: one line per account number and includes general ledger account number and description, debit, credit and net amounts.
Detail: general ledger number and description, employee number and name, check number, register number, debit, credit and net amounts. Totals for each account number are included.
Report totals are printed. The total number of GL account numbers listed is also included.
1. Period
Enter the payroll period to print (PPYY). Enter (CR) defaults to CURRENT, the current payroll period as displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.
2. Beginning GL Number
Enter the first GL account number to be included. Enter (CR) defaults to FIRST.
3. Ending GL Number
Enter the last GL account number to be included. Enter (CR) defaults to LAST.
4. Branch
Enter the branch to print. The entry must be a valid branch. Enter (CR) defaults to ALL.
5. Department
Enter the department to print. The entry must be a valid department. Enter (CR) defaults to ALL.
6. Scope
Enter whether to print Summary or Detail information. Enter (CR) defaults to S.
7. Check report. OK to remove records just printed?
Enter YES or N to indicate whether to remove the if records just printed on the Period GL Distribution.